Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 26 August 2016

Welcome back!!

Hello Everyone,

Welcome all parents and students! I will be teaching grade 2 this year. We have a very exciting and eventful year ahead of us. Let me introduce myself to those parents who may not know me. This is my third year teaching grade 2 at St. Jude’s. I completed my Bachelors in Education at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (OISE/UT) and did my internship with Ms. Chin. I chose to stay at St. Jude’s because of the friendly and caring atmosphere. Furthermore, the IB program upholds many of the teaching principles that I implement in my daily practice.  
Throughout my educational career, teaching has always been an aspiration of mine. I am of the opinion that learning extends beyond a textbook whereby individual teaching styles and teacher-student relationships are part of the building blocks of student success. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach and share in new learning experiences with your child. I am looking forward to a fantastic year of learning, fun, and excitement!

Student handbook
Please read over the student handbook with your child (attached in the email sent). Afterwards, sign page 30 and return it to school.

Important Dates
August 29- JK/SK Orientation Night (6pm)
August 30- Grade 1-6 Orientation Night (6pm)
September 7- School begins
Students are to come dressed in their gym uniform. On Mondays and Wednesdays students will come in their gym uniforms and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in full uniform.
September 7-9: pizza will be sold daily for $2 per slice (no lunch orders the first week)
September 9- lunch and BBQ forms due
September 9-Dress in house colours day
September 12- hot lunch program begins
September 15- Welcome BBQ (4-6pm)

School Uniforms
We have some changes regarding our school uniform. Primary students (JK - grade 3) will no longer wear the white, Oxford style, button-up shirt or the belted tunic. Primary students are to be dressed in the short-sleeved polo shirt (spring/summer) or the long sleeved polo shirt (fall/winter).

Students are asked to have three pairs of shoes at school: outdoors, black indoor shoes, and gym shoes (we will be having gym every day).

After-school Programs
At St. Jude's Academy, we offer various after-school programs such as karate, yoga, dance, and piano. Please keep an eye out for after-school program registration forms in the upcoming weeks. SJA also offers our after-school childcare program from 3:45 - 6pm daily.

Secured-Access Entry Point
Starting in September, SJA will have a new secured-access entry door that will be the only entry point inside the building before and after school. Beginning in September, this door can only be accessed with a specialized key. Keys will be provided to all parents during Orientation week (deposit required). Please come through the front doors if entering the building during school hours.

Please ensure to check the blog daily so you can take a peek into our classroom and enjoy videos and pictures of your child at school. I will communicate daily about what we have done and any important information.

Learner Profiles and Attitudes
The students are encouraged to emulate the learner profiles and attitudes part of the IB program. The learner profiles and attitudes help us to be internationally minded and conscientious world citizens. The learner profile for the month of September is inquirer and the attitude is curiosity. As inquirers, we develop the skills needed to explore the various beliefs and lifestyles adopted around the world; it is this knowledge that assists us in better understanding our similarities and differences. As inquirers, we are curious and ask many questions about what we want to know.

Action is an important part of the IB program. What is action? Action is when a student applies what they have learned during our Unit Of Inquiry outside of school. For example, if we are learning about protecting our planet and your child encourages you to use the blue bin to recycle various items at home, your child is performing action. More details about action are provided below.

See you all on Tuesday, August 30th for Orientation night!

Have a great and sunny weekend!  

Ms. Jaskolka