Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 31 January 2020

Friday January 31, 2020

Fantastic Friday!

We began the day with music.

Then we did some mediation to help us relax and focus our mind.

Next we wrote our math test on measuring area and perimeter.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Then we practiced presenting our speech in front of the class. It takes a lot of courage to go up in front of a group of people and recite a speech, way to go everyone!! Keep it up!!!

Learning Goal for UOI today: to describe the advantages and disadvantages of different map projections and how they shape how we see the world.
We watchedan animated four-minute video of two map makers (Mercator and Peters) defending their own projection. Students voted for the one they think is the best. After the vote, the chat show host explored the effect of the different projections on our view of the world and discusses the ‘fairness’ of how different countries are represented. The difficulties of trying to create an accurate representation of a globe are explained, as is the fact that all world maps are compromises. 
Students continued to develop and understand the connections that Canada has with other countries with a classroom read aloud activity. We ready the story the Global Kid as a class and learned how everyday items we use connect us to other countries. We will continue this activity on Monday. 

Students are asked to have labeled Canada, United States, Russia, China and Venezuela on their blank world map. Each day we will add 5 new countries to study.


1. Read Daily
2. Study both maps for UOI
3. Speech - memorize whole speech for Monday

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Thursday January 30, 2020

Tremendous Thursday!

We began the day taking up our math review and clarifying any misconceptions.

Then we worked on memorizing our speech. We worked in partners to practice reciting our speech.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Learning Goal for UOI today: to describe the advantages and disadvantages of different map projections and how they shape how we see the world.

We went onto https://www.oxfamblogs.org/education/mapping_our_world/mapping_our_world/l/home/index.htm
and explored maps and different map projections. We had a lot of fun doing this!!! Students are asked to continue exploring this website at home and try the activities in lesson 1, 2, and 3.

We were also given a blank world map and did some mapping activities. We included a compass/direction, and a legend/key with appropriate colours and continent names. 

At the end of the day we had physical education.

1. Read Daily
2. Math test tomorrow
3. Speech : work on memorizing your speech
4. UOI - map work



Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Wednesday January 29, 2020

Wonderful Wednesday!

We began the building community in our class. We talked about things that we are excited about, things that make us sad or things that we are worried about. This led to a conversation about being good person and ways that we can be happy and successful in life.

Then we moved onto math. We worked on our review today.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Next we worked on our cue cards for our speech.

After second recess and lunch we finished watching our RSA Animates and giving feedback to our peers. We also continued to work on our Viking art.


1. Read Daily
2. Math Review due tomorrow
3. Cue cards due tomorrow
4. Treasure hunt due tomorrow
5. Casual day tomorrow

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Tuesday January 28, 2020

Tremendous Tuesday!

We began the day with math. We learned how to find the area and perimeter of an irregular figure. 

Here are videos to explain how to find the area and perimeter of an irregular figure:


Some examples:

We then practiced finding the area and perimeter of an irregular figure. 

Next we worked on speeches. Today our focus was to have a peer edit our work and then we edited our own work. Ms. Jaskolka also edited our speech. Tonight students are asked to have a parent edit their speech. Then students are asked to put all their edits into their speech. The final copies are due tomorrow. Tomorrow we will begin working on cue cards. 

After first recess and lunch we had French.

We began our new unit today, Canada and the world and our focus was to describe the connections that they as individuals have to the rest of the world and what it means to be a global citizen. We played Globingo to better understand how we are all connected to the rest of the world! Student filled out as many squares as possible by obtaining information from other students. The name of the country and the name of the student were noted in the appropriate square. The first student to fill out all the boxes called out “Globingo”! 

Following Globingo we talked about what students learned about their classmates. We then looked to the “Canada and the World” map in the classroom. For every country on our sheets, we put a pin on our world map. 

We learned that as global citizen its important to know about Canada’s connections to other countries in the world and today they have taken the first step to becoming active global citizens.
For homework, students will be creating an inventory of products, goods and other things in their homes that come from other countries. 

At the end of the day we had physical education. 

1. Read Daily
2. Math pg. 236-237 Questions 1, 2, 3 and 5
3. Speech - good copy due tomorrow
4. Treasure hunt due Thursday 
5. Sign math test 

Monday, 27 January 2020

Monday January 27, 2020

Marvellous Monday!

What a great and productive day we had!!!!

We began the day with music class.

Next, we took up homework on finding the area of a triangle and then we moved onto finding the area and perimeter of a trapezoid.

A trapezoid 
-how would you describe it? (it has 4 sides and two sides are parallel)
-Why are rectangles, squares and parallelograms also trapezoids? (Each has 2 pairs of parallel sides. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, so these figures are trapezoids.)
-Which figures can you divide a trapezoid into? (Rectangles, triangles, and parallelograms)

We learned how we can divide the trapezoid into squares, rectangles, parallelograms and triangles to help us find the area of a trapezoid. 

Ms. Jaskolka was very proud of how quickly we grasped this understanding!! We worked on questions related to finding the area and perimeter of a trapezoid using our knowledge of parallelograms and triangles. 

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Then we moved onto typing our speeches.

After second recess and lunch we continued typing our speech. 

At the end of the day we consolidated our understanding of our explorers unit by watching our RSA summative projects and providing feedback to our peers.


1. Read Daily 
2. Math Page 228-230 # 1, 2, 4, 6, 8a
Challenge # 8b, 10
3. Speech finish typing 
4. UOI Reflection sheet