Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday 5 June 2017

Monday June 5, 2017

Marvelous Monday!!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

We then moved onto math. We did some multiplication and division drills. After we worked on some problem solving questions related to multiplication:

Example: There are 22 people who want to go onto a plane. On the plane, there are 6 rows and 4 seats per row, can all 22 people fit on the plane?

We realized this is a multiplication question! We figured out that we could multiply 6 by 4 (6X4) and the answer is 24. So there are 24 seats and 22 people so this means that all the people can fit on the plane plus 2 more!

We then practiced for Art’s night.

Following first recess and lunch we continued practicing for Art’s Night.

At the end of the day we worked on our spelling words.

We also began working on the last page of our report card. We reflected on our term and discussed: what we learned, what we improved on and what we had the most fun doing.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling pg. 133-136
3.     Practice for Art’s Night
4.     Math test Friday
5.     Summative project due tomorrow
6.     Ice cream form due June 9
7.     Math pg. 248-9

8.     Come dressed in your Art’s Night costume tomorrow

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