Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 29 September 2017

Friday September 29, 2017

Fabulous Friday!!

We began the day writing our lesson 3 spelling test.  

We then continued learning about proper sentence writing. We learned about asking and telling sentences. We discussed the use of proper punctuation at the end of our sentences and how to add “and” to our sentences in order to add detail and to bring two ideas together.

We then dove into another conversation about wants and needs and how not everyone has what they need and we can be good citizens by helping those in need. An example we came up with is donating toys that we do not play with anymore. Next, we worked on a sorting activity involving wants and needs. We then put on our reflective hats and thought about one thing we need and one thing we want and described each one:

Next we had Gym.

After first recess and lunch we had Music.

Next we continued reviewing for our Math test on Monday.

Following second recess and lunch, we reviewed the 10 learner profiles. Next, while reading Dear Tooth Fairy, we became detectives, trying to figure out the learner profile exhibited by the main character of the story, Holly. Holly was very curious and asked a lot of questions about the tooth fairy. Not only did she ask these questions, but also as an inquirer, she sought to find the answers to her questions by sending letters to the tooth fairy. We were then reflective, and thought about the various ways we seek the answers to our questions (ask the teacher, ask mom and dad, look on the internet, research in a book). We also discussed what we are curious about. We were excellent inquirers today!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!Image result for Dear tooth fairy

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.    Spelling test signed
3.    Math test Monday
4.    Cursive pg. 18-19

5.    Trip form due Thursday

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Thursday September 28, 2017

Tremendous Thursday!

We began the day working on proper sentence writing through various writing activities: differentiating between complete and non-complete sentences, unscrambling word groups to make complete sentences, matching groups of words to make complete sentences, understanding the difference between telling and asking sentences and ending each sentence with the proper punctuation, and finally creating compound sentences with the word ‘and’.

We were then off to French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we began working on our math review. We will continue reviewing tomorrow for out test on Monday. 

Following second recess and lunch we had a conversation about being open-minded. We began talking about why we are wearing orange shirts tomorrow and about the aboriginal children who were taken from their homes and put into residential schools. This opened up a conversation about beliefs and how every single person can have their own beliefs and opinions; what is important is that we are kind and caring towards each other. This was a bit of a challenging concept to understand but we continued to discuss this subject so that students gained a better understanding of what it means to be open-minded. We continued to discuss that people in the world may believe different things from us and have varying opinions and that is ok. We talked about how we can explain our beliefs and opinions to others and they may choose not to adopt these beliefs and opinions; that is ok. In order for there to be more kindness and love around the world, it is important to celebrate who we are and be kind no matter our beliefs, background, culture etc. We then decorated a shirt that will be displayed around the school in support of all the children who were unfairly taken from their homes.

See you all tomorrow!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling test tomorrow
3.     Orange shirt day tomorrow
4.     Math test Monday

5.     Trip form due Thursday

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Wednesday September 27, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday!

We began the day saying hello again to Isabella!!! We taught her how to say hello in Swahili: Jambo. In Tanzania, one of the official languages is Swahili.

Next we talked about our day yesterday and Ms. Jaskolka’s experience getting her cast off. This led to an interesting discussion about many students in our class who had similar experiences to share!

We then had French and then Gym.

Following first recess and lunch we had Music.

After we dove into math. We reviewed how to represent numbers in different ways and then we did a fun scavenger hunt involving representing numbers in different ways!!! We walked around the room and searched for clues. Once we found our clue, we wrote the standard, base ten and word form of the number we found. We had so much fun!!!

Following second recess and lunch we worked on our International Day project about Tanzania.

Have a great night!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Math Sheet Questions 1, 2, 3 and extension stretch your thinking
3.     Math test Monday
4.     Orange shirt day Friday

5.     Bake Sale tomorrow