Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Wednesday October 31, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday! 

We began the day reflected on our first unit of inquiry on electricity. We chose an activity that we worked our hardest on, our best work, and something that we can improve on.

Then we worked on our electric cars and reflecting on the engineering design process. 

Next, we had French.

After first recess and lunch, we reviewed how and why hot air balloons fly and the particle theory of matter. Then we began our inquiry into flight!!! We did various experiments today to explore how high pressure air (low speed) and low pressure (high speed) air are used create lift! We will apply todays learning to understand why planes fly. We were challenged to research about Bernoulli’s principle and to problem solve how our experiments relate to Bernoulli’s principle. 

Following second recess and lunch we practiced our dance for the Christmas concert. I am very proud of the students who are taking ownership over our performance and are practicing at home and demonstrating their leaning to the class! 

Then we had a house game!!!

Happy Halloween/Harvest day!!

1.    Read Daily
2.    Write a fable or a legend due Monday
3.    Curling form due Friday
4.    What is Bernoulli’s principle? How does it relate to the experiments we did today?
5.    20 house points to the students who are able to explain the above to the class tomorrow
6.    Math test signed

7.    Test on Bernoulli Monday 

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Tuesday October 20, 2018

Tremendous Tuesday!!

We began the day writing a pre-assessment for our upcoming unit on Rates and Ratios in math. 

Next, we continued to work on our pinwheels. We finished making the last square for our pinwheel and reflected on the elements and principles of art that we used. 

Then we worked on our electric cars. As students are finishing up the building process, they are testing their car to see if it can go in a straight line and travel 1m. Students are using trouble shooting strategies if their car is not moving properly. 

Next, we had French.

After first recess and lunch we continued work on art/electric cars.

Then we had Music.

When we returned we continued working on our electric cars. Science fair is coming up November 16 and we need to ensure that we have finished building our cars, that our car can move in a straight line, travel 1m, and that we are reflecting on the engineering and design process.

After second recess and lunch we wrote our test about the properties of air.

1.    Read Daily
2.    Write a fable or a legend due Monday
3.    Curling form due Friday (Permission form and Waiver form) 
4.    Halloween/Harvest dress up
5.    Bake sale tomorrow

6.    Math test signed 

Monday, 29 October 2018

Monday October 29, 2018

Magnificent Monday!

We began the day writing our math test.

Next, we worked in our Zentangle art and reflected on the elements and principals of art we used.

We also worked on our electric cars.

After first recess and lunch we dove into UOI. Today we learned about the Particle Theory of Matter and how hot air balloons float. 

5 Key Components of Particle Theory:
1. All matter is made up of tiny particles.
2. All particles of one substance are the same.
3. Different substances are made of different particles.
4. Particles are always moving. (The more energy, the
faster they move)
5. There are attractive forces between particles. (Forces
are stronger when particles are closer together)
We used our researching skills to answer questions about the Particle Theory of Matter and showed our understanding of the three states of matter: liquid, solid, and gas. This is not to be confused with a fluid. Fluids can flow and therefore a gas and a liquid can both be a fluid (we learned that air can flow with an experiment we did last week where we were able to pour their air from one cup into another while submerged underwater).  

We also did an experiment to better understand how hot air rises, cool air sinks, buoyancy, and how hot air balloons float in the air. We found that our hot air balloon did no work because we either needed colder air to be able to hold the bag in the air or hotter air so that the bag could rise and float in the air. 

We again used our researching skills to determine how a hot air balloon can stay floating in the air and how they come back down. 

Then we read another fable or legend and determined if the story we were reading was a fable or a legend and the criteria that they included that made the story a fable or a legend.

After second recess and lunch we had physical education.   

1.    Read Daily
2.    Air test tomorrow
3.    Write a fable or a legend due Monday
4.    Curling form due Friday (permission form and waiver form)
5.    Casual Day tomorrow
6.    Bake Sale tomorrow 
7.    UOI finish sheets on Particle theory and hot air balloon 

8.    Mind Map due tomorrow 

Friday, 26 October 2018

Friday October 26, 2018

Fantastic Friday!!

We began the day working on our Math Review. Our math test is Friday.

Then we began working on the second Zentangle design for our Pinwheel.

After first recess and lunch we looked at two writing pieces and we neede to figure out if it was a legend or a fable based on the success criteria that we created.

Then we had Music.

During UOI we did experiments about air force and how air can support solid objects in sustained flight. We used a hair dryer and a ping pong ball to see the effect. We explored what happens to compressed air using a balloon as a rocket. We blew air into a balloon and then taped it to a rope and then released the balloon. What we saw was that the compressed air in the balloon came shooting out. Since the air is compressed it wants to escape and was given this opportunity when we let go of the balloon. We were also able to lift books that were on a bag once we blew air into the bag; we learned that the books were supported by the compressed air in the bag. We also did an experiment where we blew air into a tube that was connected to a cup that was in water. We saw that air takes up space and exerts pressure because when we blew air into the tube, all the water was replaced by air!! 

After second recess and lunch we continued with UOI.

Have a wonderful Weekend!!

1.    Read Daily
2.    Math sheets (division, multiplication, GCF and LCM)
3.    Math review sheet (optional)
4.    Math test Monday
5.    Air test Tuesday
6.    Mind Map due Monday 

7.    French homework