Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Thursday October 4, 2018

Tremendous and Terrific Thursday!!! 

A reminder that students do not have school tomorrow or Monday. We will see you all on Tuesday! Enjoy the long weekend!!

Winter uniforms begin Tuesday, October 9thPlease ensure that all students have all of the pieces and that all pieces are worn on a daily basis(grey skirt/pants, navy blue socks, black dress shoes, long sleeve button up white dress shirt, navy blue sweater/sweater vest, tie [academic Monday-Thursday and house colour tie on Friday], and a blazer). Students will be required to wear all the pieces during morning announcements, field trips, and during transitions if going from one classroom to another. Please see Ms. Alpa for any uniform requests or inquirers. She can be reached via email - alpa@multiformcanada.com or via website - multiformcanada.com **The uniform store will be closed from Tuesday, October 2nd to Wednesday, October 17th.

Soccer Practice Times
Elementary Girls and Boys – Tuesday and Thursday 4-5PM
U12 Coed and U12 Development Program – Monday and Wednesday 4-5PM

**Please note that students doing any after school activity, soccer, karate, yoga, etc. will be charged until 4:00 PM in aftercare, when they will be dismissed to their program with their coach!**

Caribou Math Contest is an online mathematics contest that is held 6 times per year. Last year we did a trial run with a few students from Grade 6 and above. This year we are going to offer it to students in Grades 3 and up. This is something that will be done on a student’s own time. This will not be a focus of our math program. That being said, Dr. Kaur and Mr. Lee-Guide have offered to run a math club on Wednesday morning beginning at 8:00 AM for those who are interested – the math club has begun. There is a $15 annual fee that must be paid online at registration and the test times begin at 7:15 AM. Committed students will write the tests on:

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
Wednesday, January 16th, 2019
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019
Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

Permission forms were sent home. Please follow the instructions at the bottom of the page to register your child and pay the fee and return the permission form to me. 

Don't forget about Polar Expressions Publishing! The poetry deadline is November 16th, 2018 and the short story deadline is November 23rd, 2018.

Important dates/items:
Tomorrow: Electricity Test 
Friday, October 5 – No school – PD Day
Monday, October 8 – No school – Thanksgiving Monday
Thursday October 9 -Summative presentations begin 
Thursday, October 25 – Picture Day
Tuesday, October 30 – Bake sale & casual day
Wednesday, October 31 – Bake sale & Halloween/Harvest Spirit Day

We began the day with Math. Again, we are working on mental math strategies to help prepare us for our upcoming unit: Patterns in whole numbers. Today we reviewed how to multiply numbers by 10, 100, and 1000 using mental math. We then applied this knowledge to look at problems where the number was missing and we needed to use our division skills. Students are reminded they need to know their multiplication tables and to use this knowledge to answer division problems. It is important that students practice their mental math over the weekend (ex: driving in the car on the way to your weekend activities, parents can call out multiplication or division problems and students can answer. Drills really help. Calling out 2 x 3=…. 6x4 = ) 

Next, we had our literature circle.

Then we worked on our UOI summative projects. Students continued making jot notes for their chosen generating station. Students were reminded when taking jot notes that they are putting the information into their own words. Students are also reminded that it is very important to use the checklist provided for any project because the checklist stipulates what needs to be included in the project. Next week students will work on their PowerPoint and then begin presenting their arguments to the government (A.K.A our classmates) on Thursday about which generating station would be best to be built/about which countries we should trade uranium with.

After first recess and lunch we prepared for International Day. Ms. Jaskolka is immensely proud of her grade 6 class. The students took initiative and made this project their own. They all worked together as a team to learn about Pakistan and then worked together to put all this information together and also to decorate our classroom.To my Grade 6 class, this whole project was a success because you took ownership over it, worked as a team and each and every one of you put great efforts into making this project a wonderful accomplishment. Way to go!!!!! 

When we were finished preparing our classroom, we were able to travel the world and explore the culture of many different countries!!! 

We learned new songs!!
Check it out my clicking on this link!

We even sang around campfire in Iceland!! 
Check it out my clicking on this link!

Check out all the fun and learning happening in our class for International day!!


1.    Read Daily
2.    Novel Study role and complete graphic organizer until chapter 12 (students are reminded that any time you are reading, you need to be filling in your graphic organizer so that when you go and write your book report you will already have the setting, important characters, events and the resolution jotted down) 
3.    Math sheets on multiplying by 10, 100, and 1000 
4.    Finish jot notes
5.    Have a great long weekend!!!!!! 

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