Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Tuesday November 5, 2019

Tremendous Tuesday!

We began the day reciting poems for Guy Fawkes day during assembly.

Then we had Music.

Next, we took up our homework on volume. Then we worked on our math review.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Next, we were give a challenge to build a glider. We were given instructions on how to build a glider and then we tested what would happen if we changed some of the characteristics of the plane: both flap up, both flaps down, one flap up and one flap down, adding weight using a paperclip, and then we further tested our paper airplane to see how it could be the best flier. For homework we are writing a report based on todays findings. 

Then we learned about Fables and Legends. Our Ontario Writing Assessment this term is based on fable and legend writing. We first determined what is a fable and what is a legend. Then we were given two examples, and we needed to figure out if it was a fable or a legend and once we figured this out, we discussed in partners how the example used the elements of a legend or fable. Students then came up with the success criteria as to how to write a successful legend and a successful fable.

At the end of the day we worked on our electric cars. 


1. Read Daily
2. Math Review
3. Finish report on glider 

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