Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 2 December 2019

Monday December 2, 2019

Marvellous Monday!

Thank you so much for all the well wishes and support during this time! I appreciate all of the kindness that has been shown towards me!!! I feel very lucky to have such a caring and wonderful class!

We began the day working on student led conferences. Students reflected on everything that we have learned in term 1 and all the activities that we have done and wrote about their strengths and areas of improvement and then came up with goals and an action plan of how they will work on their goals in the second term.

Then we moved onto our new novel study, Tuck Everlasting! We went through the prologue, chapter 1 and chapter 2.

We also began our new UOI: Where we are in place and time

Central Idea: Exploration has changed and will continue to change people’s lives. 
Concepts: Causation, Change, Perspective
Related Concepts:
Adaptation, Truth, Impact
Lines of Inquiry:
·  First Peoples and their interaction with the environment 
·  The evidence of early explorers 
·  The various groups and communities that make up Canada’s identity

We worked on a diagnostic about our first unit and reading and answering questions related to our novel study. 

After second recess and lunch we joined Mrs. Haag's class and we investigated creation stories  and thought about the Aboriginal perspective of how the earth came to be. We read three creation stories explained by various Aboriginal groups. We worked in groups to discuss the symbols, the explanation of the world, the moral and the items from nature.

Students are encouraged to think and discuss with their famalies their own creation stories as well as what they think is meant by “Canadian Identity” and where they fit in that identity.


1. Read Daily
2. Novel study (prologue, chapter 1 and 2) - most finished in class
3. UOI diagnostic questions - most finished in class
4. Math Quiz signed
5. Finish reflections on air show summative - ensure graphs are included
6. Memorize lyrics for Christmas concert
7. Christmas concert is on December 17

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