We began the day with math.
Our Learning Goal: Identify the conditions for congruence
Success Criteria:
I understand that two triangles are congruent if they have the same 3 sides; if two sides and the angle between the two sides are the same; or if 2 angles and the side between them are the same
-two polygons are congruent if all corresponding sides are equal and all corresponding angles are equal
After first recess and lunch we had French.
During UOI, students watched Jimmy Kimmel’s Name that Country Clip and after we discussed why IB students need to know about the world. We determined we wanted to be like the boy in the video and not the adults who did not know how to find any countries on a map!
Learning Goal: Define the key aspects of a country/region (state its attributes/ characteristics) and give examples of it.
Students were introduced to concepts social, political, economic and physical through a cooperative group activity using photos/pictures and post-cards.
Success Criteria: I can define PEPS as follows …
o Physical: refers to the physical landscape of the earth (such as lakes, mountains, valleys)
o Economic: refers to forms of trade, work, or any money related activities (money, products, shipping, factories)
o Political: refers to government activities, laws, or any symbols related to these ideas ( government buildings, flags, political symbols)
o Social: refers to people and the cultures, beliefs, and traditions that define them (sports, art, ceremonies, music)
Students worked in groups and were given photos from the four categories: physical, economic, political and social. Students looked carefully at the photos and tried to group them into different categories.
Questions we considered during this activity:
o Could any of the items in one group be placed in another?
o Could any of these items be classified in other ways?
o What is similar about your photos that make them part of the same category?
We also expanded on our knowledge of economic connections we have with the world by exploring countries that Canada imports and exports with.
o IMPORTS- all goods and services which a country buys from another country. These are products that come into the country.
O EXPORTS- all goods and services which a country sells to another country. There are products that exit (or leave) a country.
We then worked on an activity Identifying Canada’s Trading Partners: We were given information about the 10 top countries that Canada imports from and exports to and used a world map to show Canada's connections with these counties.
At the end of the day we had physical education with Mr. Orr.
1. Read Daily
2. Math pages 257-259 Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and Challenge 9 (most questions were finished in class)
3. UOI: Trading partners map
4. UOI: Portugal, Guyana, and Ecuador to map
5. French
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