Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 31 May 2019

Friday May 31, 2019

Fabulous Friday!!

Way to go to our SJA students who competed against The Maples today for track and field!!  

Today we began the day with Grade 11 math!!! Students learned an equation that is used in Grade 11 and wanted to see if they could solve it!!! We solved one of the questions on the Math test using an algebraic expression used in Grade 11! It was incredible to see the students show their knowledge of positive and negative integers and solving more complication algebraic equations. Way to go Grade 6s!!!! 

We then worked on the mid-unit review.

Next, we had French.

After first recess and lunch we looked over our OWA pre-assessment and discussed strengths and areas of improvement based on the success criteria we created as a class. 

Then we worked on a fun art activity using various principles and elements of art! We used space, harmony, scale and rhythm to create the feel of a dandelion moving in the wind. Check them out!!!!

At the end of the day we worked on making a slideshow using letters from A to Z that shows our fun and learning this year!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


1.    Read Daily
2.    Math mid unit review questions 1-6

3.    Finish slides

Art video


Thursday, 30 May 2019

Thursday May 30, 2019

Tremendous and Terrific Thursday!

***Tomorrow I will be collecting novel study and UOI duo tangs to mark all activities. Here is the list needed for the UOI duo tang:

Our day:

We practiced for our summative presentations. The class and Ms. Jaskolka gave us feedback before we went to our selected classes to help prepare us better. 
Ms. Jaskolka is SO proud of every group that presented today!! All teachers had amazing feedback for each group!! We included activities for kinaesthetic, visual and auditory learners which made our activities informative, exciting and engaging, such as using: a slideshow and Prezi presentation, video, Powtoon, skit, song, puppet show and many hands-on activities (red flag/envelope/making posters)!  

Check out some pictures from our presentations!


We also worked on our final novel study activity. We are relating our knowledge from our current unit on Digital Citizenship to The Bridge to Terabithia. We picked three characters that were faced with risky situations and discussed how they were at risk mentally, physically, socially and relationally; how their situation related to the Safety Pledge; the outcome; how they could have reduced their risk.

We also had French and Music class. 

Have a great night!


1.    Read Daily
2.    Sign letter rubric
3.    Sign Math test
4.    Novel study final activity making connections (due tomorrow)
5.    Novel Study duo tang complete 
6.    UOI duo tang complete

7.    Math mid unit review pg. 415 (for now except 4 and 5 c, d, and e unless students have a dice at home to do it.) 
8.  Art - empty toilet paper roll, 5 q-tips wrapped in an elastic