Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Tuesday May 21, 2019

Tremendous Tuesday! 

We began the day with math. 

Learning Goals: translate statements into equations 

-What algebraic equation can you write for the statement “Nine less than a number?” (n-9)
-What is the meaning of the expression 6n+2? (multiply a number by 6, then add 2)
-How can you evaluate the expression 5n+3 for n=4

5 x 4 +3 = 23 

-Students worked on explore with a partner and found that the equation would be = 3n + 4 

It is incredible to see students getting a good grasp of understanding and writing equations! Today’s lesson went a lot more smoothly as the foundation has been built and now students are applying their understanding of equations to real life examples! 

Success Criteria: 
I understand that:
-a variable in an equation represents one number. To solve the equations means to find this number 
I can:
-solve algebraic expressions 
-write an equation for a given sentence
-write a sentence for a given equation 
-problem solve using equations 

Then we had French.

After first recess and lunch we moved onto UOI. First, we shared the emails that we wrote, providing advice to a friend about how to spot on online fake. We then reviewed the ‘Real-world safety pledge for middle and high school’. We read through each guideline, asked questions, and agreed that we as a whole class will adhere to this pledge to maintain our safety. We signed the pledge and tonight we will have a parent sign the pledge also. We used this pledge to better understand the guidelines that Amy did not follow when choosing to meet with a man online (video: Amy’s choice). Next, we worked in groups to read Risky Scenarios and for each one we discussed and wrote down the risks, what can be done to lower the risks, and which pledge guidelines the scenario refers to. We did scenarios 1-8. We will continue the rest tomorrow in class. 

Then we moved onto novel study. We took up questions for chapter 7.

At the end of the day we had physical education with Mr. Orr. 


1.    Read Daily
2.    Novel study: Read chapter 8 and answer questions for chapter 9 (chapter 9 questions in the package are for chapter 8)
3.    Math pg. 389 Questions 1-7 (most finished in class)
4.    Math sheet (most finished in class)
5.    Parents sign pledge
6.    Play day forms due Thursday
7.    Cedar Glen forms 

8.    Aerosports and Mandarin form 

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