Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 6 May 2019

Monday May 6, 2019

Marvelous Monday!!!

We made it!!!! I am so proud of all the students for working so hard on the exhibition project and how amazingly they made everything come together! This was not an easy project and students were faced with many challenges but they overcame them all and they all shined so brightly yesterday!!! Future stars in the making!!! 

Thank you to all the parents for all the continued support!!! The reason this exhibition day was so successful was because we all worked as a team! Thank you!! Six more weeks!! 

We began the day with Math. 

Learning Goal: extend patterns and use them to make predictions 

We went over a repeating pattern and growing patterns. We then worked in groups to describe and extend patterns. We then worked on textbook questions.

Success Criteria:

-I understand that a pattern can be extended
-I can extend number patterns
-I can describe the number pattern
-I can make predictions about upcoming terms 

Then we had French.

After first recess and lunch, we began our new unit on Digital Citizenship:

Central Idea:
Being knowledgeable and engaging in safe practices will enable you to deal with challenging social situations
Key Concepts: Perspective, Reflection
Lines of Inquiry
Digital literacy and ethics, Personal and inter-personal skills that promote positive interaction, Personal safety 
Summative Task
Students will choose to work with a partner. They will choose a topic that fits this unit, the type of project (a skit/activity/presentation), and a grade they would like to teach.

Today’s task:
For Assessment Task:Think-Pair-Share: Students share their personal experiences where their personal safety has been at risk, what factors allowed them to be in that situation, the risks to themselves, and ways they could have minimized the risks.

This activity opened up a big conversation on internet safety and how to keep safe in general. Some basic tips students come up with:

-don’t go out by yourself at night
-listen to your parents’ advice
-don’t give out personal information online
-control emotions so that our emotions do not put us in a risky situation 

We then moved onto having a conversation about the internet and how anything posted online is accessible by everyone. 

Learning Goal: Students will relate today’s activity to the LOI and think about how they relate to our novel.
Students watched the video “Two Kinds of Stupid”. As one of their formative tasks, they will search the internet with a parent forother stories about teens and adults losing opportunities because of content posted online. Students will be sharing the story they find with the class next week, Wednesday, May 15th.
Success Criteria: I include
  • a summary of a story where a youth or adult has been suspended, expelled, or fired because of comments or images they have posted online.
  • a description of how the comments/images came to the attention of others.
an explanation of why the person deserved/did not deserve to get into trouble. my opinion on whether schools, employers, and authorities should look at profiles, blogs, and social media pages of students and employees.

After second recess and lunch we began our new novel study, Bridge to Terabithia.

Learning Goal: Students will consider and write about events from different perspectives.

For our novel study, students will have daily class time to read a chapter, answer discussion questions, and participate in activities. Today’s activity is Point of View. Students wrote about events from the point of view of two different characters in the book. Students independently read chapter 1, answered questions, and completed activities related to this chapter. 


1.    Read Daily 
2.    Students have been given an assignment to work on in order to better understand the importance of keeping safe on the internet and the consequences that can come for inappropriate posts online. Students are asked to look on the internet and to find stories about youths and adults who have been suspended, expelled, or fired because of comments or images they have posted online. Students will choose one of these stories and answer the questions on the sheet provided. This assignment is due May 15. It is important for students to understand that when something is posted online, it can always be found and can affect their reputation and lives. 

Students are asked to sit with their parents one night in order to find articles related to this assignment. Students were told they need to be sitting with a parent or an adult when finding these articles as they may come across more mature subject matter. If parents could please use their discretion as to which story their child reads about and chooses to write about.

3. Students have math page 371 questions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 (most finished in class)

4.    Students were also given lots of time to work on our new novel study, Bridge to Terabithia. They are to ensure all questions related to chapter 1 are complete tomorrow. Most questions were finished in class.

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