Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 3 April 2020

Friday April 3, 2020 - Day 4

Good morning everyone!
For today’s class, start the day by joining me on Discord and ZOOM to be ready for class to start at 9 a.m. It is best to login at least 5 minutes earlier to deal with technical difficulties. Click on our text and voice channel (ms_jaskolkas_class). We will begin each day this way. If I am not there, I may be experiencing Wi-Fi issues. Please be patient. We will follow our daily schedule as closely as possible.
But before we get started, we have a quick note from the group inquiring into mental health in Mr. Conte’s class:
 Dear St. Jude's Academy Families,

Greetings! On behalf of the Mental Health ​Grade 6 Exhibition group, we would like to remind all youth at St. Jude​'s ​Academy about Prime Minister Trudeau's address yesterday morning (Sunday, March 29, 2020). Mr. Trudeau spoke directly to youth, citing that mental support for any youth with anxious or isolated thoughts and feelings ​are available. There are trained professionals offered through ​Kids ​Help ​Phone:

·       Call-                  1-800-668-6868
·       Text-                 686868
·       Website-          kidshelpphone.ca

For those concerned about seniors such as grandparents, friends, etc. there is assistance like meal delivery and health checks via other channels.


The Mental Health Group, Mr. Conte's Class, Grade 6C
Our day:
We will continue focusing on writing our first revised draft of the essay today. Please refer to the schedule below to know where to be and what document to be working on at various times of the day.
Today we will focus on section 12 of the Exhibition planner ‘Revise the Essay’.
Don’t forget that we had our MLA citations workshop with Ms. Hayward last week. Students can visit Ms. Hayward’s Write It – CITE It page to review the content she discussed during her workshop.
During the exhibition process, specialist teachers (Mr. Orr, Mr. Oliver, Mme. Stella) with help facilitate learning for each of the exhibition groups during their scheduled class times. A quick message from Mr. Oliver regarding instruments: Please make sure to clean your instrument thoroughly before using it. You can find detailed instructions by going to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl93cyWnxvA&list=PLBB340E3D47C8B506

9:00 – 9:30
Grade 6 Discord Server
 Class Discord Group 
(meet in ms_jaskolkas_class VOICE and TEXT channels)
·       Attendance
·        Announcements (SJA Email, ManageBac – switching blogs here next week)
·        General Discussion (Catch-up, Pandemic and our new way life, etc.)
·       Reflection on how yesterday went
·       Is the first draft of your essay completed? Is it balanced? Is there enough information, evidence, and examples in each of the body paragraphs to support each line of inquiry? Will your essay draft meet the criteria in the essay rubric? What feedback did you receive from mentors and parents regarding your essay draft?
·       Have you received feedback from:
·       Yourself?
·       Your peers?
·       Your parents?
·       Your mentor?
·       Your teacher?
·       Revisit the essay rubric when you reflect on the questions above
·       Work on essay drafts (Sections 10 – 15 in the exhibition planner). The final draft/good copy of the essay is due on Tuesday, April 7th.  Add this due date to your exhibition schedule.
·       Mentor meetings – last day to get this week’s mentor meeting done
·       Begin/continue to think about or plan for other components
9:30 – 10:30
Grade 6 Discord Server
 Class Discord Group 
(meet in ms_jaskolkas_class VOICE and TEXT channels)

·       Math Lesson 8.4.
·       Mr. Jaskolka to take up answers from yesterday’s homework.
·       After answers have been taken up with the class, students will be provided a link to complete an online quiz.

Homework Take-Up by Ms. Jaskolka:

10:30 – 11:00
Exhibition Breakout Groups via Discord 
‘Exhibition Planner’ Section 12 via Google Docs by exhibition groups
Grade 6 Discord Server
 Class Discord Group 

·       Today’s Learning Goal # 1: Collaboratively write an improved version of the essay – the revised draft
·       Next steps in the exhibition planner (via live stream): Complete Section 12. Revising the Essay by the end of the day.
·       Once you and your group have received as much feedback as possible, it is time to begin rewriting the essay under Section 12 in the Google Doc – yes you can copy and paste it to get you started. This revised version should be a much-improved version.
·       We are not correcting conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, vocabulary use at this stage), but are focusing on the ideas in the essay.
Exhibition breakout groups

11:00 – 12:00
Recess & Lunch
12:00 – 1:40
Grade 6 Discord Server
Class Discord Group 
(meet in mr_jaskolkas_class VOICE and TEXT channels)
 Exhibition Breakout Groups via Discord 
 ‘Exhibition Planner’ Section 12 via Google Docs by exhibition groups
Today’s Learning Goal # 2: Mme. Stella will continue meeting with groups this week to support you in translating your issue, central idea, and lines of inquiry into French from 12 – 12:30. This must be completed by today – Friday, April 3rd. Once the translations are done, paste the French versions of these statements into your ‘Exhibition Planner’ under the English versions in Section 7.

·       Today’s Learning Goal #3Edit the Essay
·       Now that you have received various pieces of feedback and written your revised copy, it is time to begin editing the essay for conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, capitalization).
·       Do not change the work/paragraphs done by your peers – it is their responsibility to improve the conventions in their writing. Remember, each person will be graded on their own conventions in the essay (use your designated font colour).
·       Read through the essay and leave comments throughout.
·       Leave the comments on the first draft, i.e. do not click on “Resolve”. I would like to see what suggestions have been made and check to see if you respond to the suggestions you receive.
·       Ask for an edit from:
·       Parent(s)
·       Mentor
·       Teacher
1:40 – 2:20
Recess & Lunch
2:20 – 3:30
Grade 6 Discord Server
Class Discord Group 
(meet in mr_jaskolkas_class VOICE and TEXT channels)
Exhibition Journal’ via Google Docs by individual students

Learning Goal # 4: Reflect on the exhibition project.

Open your ‘Exhibition Journal’. Look at the comments I made about your last journal entry. How could you improve your writing for this week’s journal entry?
On the next available page, record Day ‘10’ and today’s date.
When writing your daily journal entry, try to answer 3 or 4 of the questions provided in the paragraph below.
In the space provided for daily journal entries, write a journal entry that describes what you have learned in the past week about your issue. What are some of the challenges and successes you have experienced What are your areas of strength as an IB learner? What are your areas of weakness? What will you do to address these areas? Do you and your group members have any ideas on how to take action? What are you worried about and what still needs to be done?
Limit each journal entry, so that it does not flow over to the next page.
Include an image that represents something about today’s journal entry.

·       Today’s Learning Goal #3Edit the Essay
·       Now that you have received various pieces of feedback and written your revised copy, it is time to begin editing the essay for conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, capitalization).
·       Do not change the work/paragraphs done by your peers – it is their responsibility to improve the conventions in their writing. Remember, each person will be graded on their own conventions in the essay (use your designated font colour).
·       Read through the essay and leave comments throughout.
·       Leave the comments on the first draft, i.e. do not click on “Resolve”. I would like to see what suggestions have been made and check to see if you respond to the suggestions you receive.
·       Ask for an edit from:
·       Parent(s)
·       Mentor

Housekeeping Items:
·       Did you and your group complete your mentor meeting log for this week?
·       Exhibition Journal #3 – Read feedback from previous journals and apply to this post.
·       Get essay edited over the weekend so we can focus on the good copy on Monday.
·       Begin studying for final test for Percents.

Remember to visit Ms. Hayward’s library blog for more information about researching. Below you will find the databases she spoke about yesterday morning’s workshop.

Global Issues In Context
Gale Canada In Context
Academic OneFile

Work that is not completed during class time will need to be completed as homework. Students should put more focus into reading at this time as well ensuring they are reading for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.
 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out so I can clarify and assist.

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