Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Wednesday January 31, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday!!!

We began the day working on our summative projects.

We then had French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we had Music.

When we returned, we had fun with math!!! First we reviewed what we learned yesterday about Litres:
Learning from Yesterday:
We were introduced to the term Litre written as L and that the litre is a unit used to measure how much a container holds. We looked at five different containers and we made predictions about which one would hold the most and which one would hold the least. We then made predictions about which one would hold about 1 litre. We found out that the detergent container held 1 Litre. Once we had this benchmark we made predictions about each container about whether or not they could hold about a litre, more than a litre or less than a litre. We found out that the milk container and the juice jug held more, the plastic container held 1 litre (even though it was shorter than the detergent container but it was much wider!) and the plastic cup held less than a litre. We then learned that 4 glasses go into 1 litre and we used this knowledge to complete measuring capacity activities.
So if 1L = 4 glasses
2L= 8 glasses
3L = 12
4L = 16
5L = 20
Our knowledge of multiplication became very handy today!!!! We were able to determine how many glasses would go into 20 litres= 80 glasses!!

We then learned that we would use litres when measuring the capacity of larger container but for smaller containers we would use millilitres. We found out that in 1 L = 1000 mL!!!!! So then in 2L = 2000mL and in 3L=3000 mL and so on. We then practiced measuring in mL by making a magic potion!!! Check them out!!!!

After second recess and lunch we finished working on our summative project.
Tomorrow students will begin presenting their summative project.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling
3.     Cursive
4.     Math sheet (if not finished in class)
5.     Math test Monday
6.     Permission form due Monday
7.     Practice for Summative presentation tomorrow

8.     Practice for in class speech competition on Monday  

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Tuesday January 30, 2018

Tremendous Tuesday!!!!

We began the day working on our holiday scrapbooks for our summative projects.

Next we had French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we explored capacity. We have been measuring time and temperature and we discussed other ways that we can measure. Today our focus was measuring how much a container can hold which we learned is measuring capacity. We were introduced to the term Litre written as L and that the litre is a unit used to measure how much a container holds. We looked at five different containers and we made predictions about which one would hold the most and which one would hold the least. We then made predictions about which one would hold about 1 litre. We found out that the detergent container held 1 Litre. 

Once we had this benchmark we made predictions about each container about whether or not they could hold about a litre, more than a litre or less than a litre. We found out that the milk container and the juice jug held more, the plastic container held 1 litre (even though it was shorter than the detergent container but it was much wider!) and the plastic cup held less than a litre. We then learned that 4 glasses go into 1 litre and we used this knowledge to complete measuring capacity activities.
So if 1L = 4 glasses
2L= 8 glasses
3L = 12
4L = 16
5L = 20
Our knowledge of multiplication became very handy today!!!! We were able to determine how many glasses would go into 20 litres= 80 glasses!!

After second recess and lunch we continued working on our summative projects.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling
3.     Cursive
4.     Math sheet (if not complete in class)
5.     Casual Day tomorrow

6.     Bake Sale tomorrow

Monday, 29 January 2018

March Break Camp!

March Break Camp registration forms were sent home back in October. We have had many students sign up since then and especially over the last few days. If you are interested in registering your chid for our March Break camp, please send in the completed registration form, along with the $20 one-time non-refundable deposit in order to secure your child's spot (this could be paid in cash or through fresh books). This year there are two options to chose from the first being lunch and two snacks provided or the second being send your own packed lunch and a discounted camp rate! We also have daily rates available. Please contact Ms. Smith bsmith@stjudesacademy.com for more details.

Monday January 29, 2018

Marvelous Monday!

We began the day working with out lesson 17 spelling words.

Next we had French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we had Music.

When we returned, we practiced counting money amounts together and making change and then we worked individually practicing these skills. Ms. Jaskolka is so proud of how hard we have been working on understanding and applying these important skills!!! We are becoming money experts!!!
Image result for money expert cartoon

After second recess and lunch we began our UOI summative project. We have created out own holiday and now we are putting together a scrapbook for our newly invented holiday. Students really had fun using their amazing creativity and wide imaginations while working on this project. We will continue working on our scrapbooks tomorrow and Wednesday and we will begin presenting them on Thursday.

Have fun playing in the snow!!!
Image result for fun in the snow cartoonImage result for fun in the snow cartoon

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling
3.     Cursive
4.     Math test Monday
5.     Permission sheet due Monday
6.     Bake Sale tomorrow
7.     Casual Day Wednesday

8.     Math sheet