Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Thursday January 18, 2018

Terrific Thursday!!!

Practice with money:





Here are some fun games and activities for helping with telling time:

Extra practice with telling time:


Some extra practice with elapsed time (this can be a tricky concept!) :



We began the day visiting Mr. Foster and Mrs. Smith’s grocery store!!! They did such an incredible job organizing all of their foods like in a real grocery store!!! Great job Grade 1’s! Also, great job to the Grade 2’s for supporting Sick Kids hospital with their purchases at each grocery store!!

We then wrote our homework in our agendas and worked on our speeches.

After first recess and lunch, we reviewed what we learned yesterday about temperature.  As a class, we talked about what happens to the thermometer when the temperature rises (gets hotter) and what happens to the thermometer when the temperature falls (gets colder). We also discussed:
What is the temperature in boiling water?
A very hot summer day?
Room Temperature?
At what temperature does water freeze?
What is the temperature outside on a very cold day?
We then practiced reading a thermometer with above and below temperatures.
Next we moved onto money!!! This excited us very much. We first began with the names of all the coins, how much they are worth and how we would go about counting each coin. Ms. Jaskolka wanted to make sure we had a good grasp of counting coins before moving on so we worked on some introductory money activities in groups.
After that we explored the relationships among coins and bills. Ms. Jaskolka then gave us specific amounts and we needed to figure out equal amounts of the chosen bill in coins (e.g. 10 toonies make a 20 dolallars). Our knowledge of skip counting by 2, 5, 10, 20 and 25 really came in handy in today’s lesson!! Ms. Jaskolka posed the question: Can you use toonies to show twenty dollars? (Yes, if I count on by 2s, I get to 20 after 10 counts. I can use 10 toonies.) • How do you know you cannot use twenty-dollar bills to show fifty dollars? (If I count on by 20s, I go from 20 to 40 to 60; I do not get to 50.)
• How do you know you found all the ways to show twenty dollars? (We started using toonies, then five-dollar bills, then ten-dollar bills, and then twenty-dollar bills. We cannot use a fifty-dollar bill to show twenty dollars.) • Which bill could you make the most ways? (The one-hundred dollar bill; it is a large amount of money and we could make it in 5 different ways.)
Ms. Jaskolka was really impressed with how quickly we grasped onto counting money and making equivalent amounts!!

After second recess and lunch we continued working on our speeches. Most of us have started practicing our speech in groups and partners. Tomorrow we finish writing our speeches and continue practicing our speech over the weekend.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Math sheet
3.     Spelling test tomorrow
4.     Bake Sale Monday

5.     MYP food drive

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