Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 12 January 2018

Friday January 12, 2018

Fantastic Friday!!!

First we sang 'Happy Birthday' to Lizzie!!!!

Then we had a conversation about our oral competition. We spoke about the expectations regarding our speeches. We will be doing a speech about a story of our chose. For Monday, students are being asked to have picked a book and have the plan/brainstorm ready for Monday (this was sent home Wednesday and another copy was sent home today.

We then practiced the ‘drawing what we can see’ technique. Ms. Jaskolka showed us how to do this using a Kleenex box and then we did the same thing.  Each table group had one Kleenex box and we need to draw it from our perspective and only what we could see. Next, we began sketching our cultural artifact. We took our role as an artist very seriously today!

Then we had Gym.

After first recess and lunch we dove into telling time for Math. We looked at a clock and practiced telling time as a class using an analog clock. We also practiced telling time where we could move the hour hand and minute hand on our own. Next we worked on some fun telling time activities!!

Following second recess and lunch we practiced telling time in two and three different ways!!! For example: 1:15 can also be quarter past 1; 12:45 is also forty five minutes past 12 and quarter to 1. Students were told they could use the following picture to help with their homework:

Nyla then shared her enthusiasm entry on her grandpa!!!

 Here is Vaibhav's entry from yesterday:

Action Star:
Arya is our action star!!! She brought in a guitar from Mexico and a blue Santa hat because Santa dresses in blue in Mexico. Check it out!!

Isabella also shared a souvenir from Cuba, a snake!

Then we continued working on sketching our cultural artifact.

Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!!!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Speech brainstorm done for Monday
3.     Math test signed

4.     Math time package

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