Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 30 April 2018

Monday April 30, 2018

Marvelous Monday!!

We began the day working on our spelling words for the week.

Next we had French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we worked on our Math review.

Then we had Music.

We then worked on our Art’s night performance.

After second recess and lunch we began building our bridges!!!

I am having trouble uploading pictures to my blog. I will try and post them tonight!!


1.     Spelling
2.     Trip forms due tomorrow

3.     Math test Wednesday

Friday, 27 April 2018

Friday April 27, 2018

Fantastic Friday!!!

 We began the working on a poster about Discrimination. The Grade 6 students are working on their Exhibition projects and one of their topics is about discrimination. This grade 6 group has given the Grades 2 to 5 classes a challenge to create a poster about discrimination and they will choose the best one and give that class a prize!!!

We then wrote our lesson 26 spelling test.

Next we had French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we dove into area and perimeter during math class. We worked on some questions related to area and perimeter as a class and then on our own. We reminded ourselves that perimeter is the measurement around a figure and that area is the measurement inside. For example: Ms. Jaskolka has a garden and too many animals are coming in and eating all her fruits and vegetables!!! As a result, she decides she needs to build a fence around her garden. In order to figure out how much fence she would need to put around her garden, she would use perimeter. She has also decided to put in new grass for her garden and she would use area to figure out how much grass she would need to put inside her garden. We learned how important a role area and perimeter play in our every day lives!!!

After second recess and lunch we worked on our persuasive advertisements for a pizza.

At the end of the day we had some free time!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Math sheet
3.     Trip form due Tuesday
4.     Materials for Bridge due Monday

5.     Spelling test signed

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Thursday April 26, 2018

Tremendous Thursday!!!

We began the day writing a persuasive advertisement for a pizza. We began the writing process by using a graphic organizer so that we knew all the important considerations needed with our persuasive advertisement.

Next we had French and then Gym.

After first recess we learned about Area during math class. We looked at using grids to find area. We looked at counting squares but this time they could be in half which makes a triangle. So we used our prior knowledge to connect the fact that two halves make a whole.

We discussed a few strategies to keep track of our counting. 
1. Count the whole squares first.
2. We can number the squares as we count them
3. Then count the half squares and put a dot on them


We can shade in the triangles first, then count the whole squares then count the half squares.

Students worked on tracing shapes onto grid paper and finding the area.

After second recess and lunch we continued working on our graphic organizers for our new pizza. Some of us moved onto writing the advertisement for our new pizza.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.    Math sheet
3.    Math test Wednesday

4.    Spelling test tomorrow

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Tuesday April 24, 2018

Tremendous Tuesday!!!

 We began the day learning about how to go about writing a persuasive advertisement. Why do we need to know about advertisements and how to write them? We learned that we are surrounded by advertisements everywhere!!! Even in the television shows we watched, we are being convinced to buy their products like shopkins or Pokémon cards! We are constantly being convinced to do something with advertisements all around us!! It is therefore important to practice media literacy and the many considerations that go into writing an advertisement. We then created a graphic organizer for a yummy delicious magical light up ice cream pizza!  Tomorrow we will write own advertisement for a pizza ensuring to persuade our audience using catchy words and phrases; we will be challenged to use only our words to convince someone to buy our pizza!

Next we had French and then Gym outside!!!

After first recess and lunch we were off to KidsSports!!!

For pictures from KidsSports, check out Ms. Ramcharan’s blog:

For those friends Grade 2 friends who stayed behind with Ms. Jaskolka, we worked on a fun spring word search!!

We also had Music with Mr. Oliver and French again.

After second recess and lunch we continued working on our spring word search.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling pg. 105-108

3.     Casual Day tomorrow