Tremendous Thursday!
Tomorrow is orange shirt day, where we take the time to remember those who were forced to attend residential schools. Students are asked to wear an orange shirt in support for Orange Shirt Day.
Winter uniforms begin Tuesday, October 9. Please ensure that all students have all of the pieces are worn on a daily basis (grey skirt/pants, navy blue socks, black dress shoes, long sleeve button up white dress shirt, navy blue sweater/sweater vest, tie [academic Monday-Thursday and house colour tie on Friday], and a blazer). Students will be required to wear all the pieces during morning announcements, field trips, and during transitions if going from one classroom to another. Please see Ms. Alpa for any uniform requests or inquirers.
Note from Ms. Alpa:
Dear Parents,
The uniform store will be closed from Tuesday 2nd October 2018 - Wednesday 17th Oct 2018. If you need to purchase any uniforms, please make sure all orders are placed at the very latest by Sunday, 30th September 2018 by email: or online at
**Please note that students doing any after school activity, soccer, karate, yoga, etc. will be charged until 4:00 PM in aftercare, when they will be dismissed to their program with their coach!**
Soccer Practice Times
Elementary Girls and Boys – Tuesday and Thursday 4-5PM
U12 Coed and U12 Development Program – Monday and Wednesday 4-5PM
Caribou Math Contest is an online mathematics contest that is held 6 times per year. Last year we did a trial run with a few students from Grade 6 and above. This year we are going to offer it to students in Grades 3 and up. This is something that will be done on a student’s own time. This will not be a focus of our math program. That being said, Dr. Kaur and Mr. Lee-Guide have offered to run a math club on Wednesday morning beginning at 8:00 AM for those who are interested. There is a $15 annual fee that must be paid online at registration and the test times begin at 7:15 AM. Committed students will write the tests on:
Wednesday, October 17th, 2018
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
Wednesday, January 16th, 2019
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019
Wednesday, May 1st, 2019
Permission forms were sent home. Please follow the instructions at the bottom of the page to register your child and pay the fee and return the permission form to me.
Don't forget about Polar Expressions Publishing! The poetry deadline is November 16th, 2018 and the short story deadline is November 23rd, 2018.
Important dates/items:
Friday, September 28 – Orange Shirt Day to remember those who were sent to residential schools
Math Test
Monday, October 1 – Golfing trip
Wednesday, October 3 – Electricity Test
Thursday, October 4 – International Day
We began the day finishing off working on our math reviews and getting any clarification needed about the concepts learned during this unit. Our math test will be tomorrow first thing in the morning.
Next, we had French.
After first recess and lunch we showed our support for Terry Fox and raising awareness for cancer research. We had a lot of fun running and walking while supporting an amazing cause!!
When we returned, we got into our literature circles and fulfilled our specific roles within our groups for chapter 6. Did Poppy find the instructions?!?!?
After second recess and lunch, students continued investigating the types of generating stations that make up Ontario’s energy mix. Today they used the data from the OPG Guide and created two graphs: OPG Generating Stations by Type and OPG Generating Stations by Production. Students applied what they have been learning in their Data Management Unit to electricity production in Ontario. Students need to either email me their graphs ( or print the graphs out at home and submit them to me tomorrow.
Grade 6s will be writing a unit test on all they have learned during the electricity unit. This test will take place on Wednesday, October 3rd. When studying, students should:
1. Read through your notes at least 3 times
2. Make notes about your reading. Refer back to your notes if you cannot remember anything. More rereading may be required.
3. Make doodles or a mind map to represent your understanding
4. Explain concepts to someone
5. Ask a family member to quiz you
6. Repeat steps as necessary
We had a very busy day!!!
1. Read Daily
2. Math test tomorrow
3. Finish question 6 and 7 for the Math Review (this was done in class)
4. Electricity test Wednesday
5. UOI Questions 12-18 on the OPG Guide
6. Orange shirt day tomorrow
7. Novel study role for chapter 7
8. Thumbnails sketches due tomorrow