Fantastic Friday!
Another busy day in Grade 6!!
Here we are all dressed up for Orange Shirt Day in support of all children and celebrating how all children matter.
We began the day writing our math test for Data Management.
Next, we had French.
After first recess and lunch we finished writing our math tests.
Next, we worked on our International Day project about Pakistan. It is truly amazing to see the students taking ownership of their own work and the creative ideas the students are coming up with. This outside of the box thinking will come in handy when students are building their electric cars starting next week!
We had a fire drill during lunch. We did an incredible job making our way outside safely.
After lunch we completed our role for chapter 7 of our novel study. Will Doon help Lina figure out the mysterious instructions she found?
Ms. Jaskolka also checked our thumbnail sketches for our science fair project. Students will be picking 1 of their designs for Monday. Students were told that they need to be specific about their decision. So not that it is fun or creative but specifically talking about the advantages of picking one design over another.
Then we continued preparing for International Day. We are so excited for everyone to join us on Thursday for International day!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
1. Read Daily
2. Novel study Chapter 8 (read and role)
3. UOI OPG Guide questions. Students are to complete questions 19-21 and to review their questions and graphs from the previous days. Students are reminded that there is a rubric that will be used to grade the students of their understanding of the OPG guide and how well they can use their researching skills to answer questions. This rubric is included with the questions for studenst to reference.
For Questions 19-21 students will go to www.opg.comand click on ‘Our Generation’ at the top and then click on nuclear, hydro and thermal. Students will pick one to discuss for questions 19-21.
Students are expected to have finished questions 1-21 (except question 11. We did this as a class learning about the autosum button on excel and google spreadsheets)
Students are expected to have finished questions 1-21 (except question 11. We did this as a class learning about the autosum button on excel and google spreadsheets)
4. Science fair recyclable materials for Monday (a reminder, students will be receiving a motor, wires, batteries, a battery holder and a pully.)
5. International Day good copy information (this was due last Monday)
6. Thumbnail sketches and decision due Monday
7. Electricity test Wednesday
8. French homework
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