Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 17 September 2018

Monday September 17, 2018

Marvelous Monday!

The first Grade 6 extra curricular activity is upon us. They will be going to a golf range on  October 1. Permission forms have been sent home and are due back on Monday, September 24th. There is no cost, as it has been included in the tuition. Our Terry Fox event is just around the corner. This is an annual event here at SJA. As we have done every year, we are asking donations. Pledge sheets have been sent home, and will be due by Wednesday, September 26th. The class with the highest amount of money collected will win an ice cream party! Thank you in advance for your donations!

Soccer Practice Schedule

**Please note that students doing any after school activity, soccer, karate, yoga, etc. will be charged until 4:00 PM in aftercare, when they will be dismissed to their program with their coach!**

October hot lunch can now be ordered. The site will close on September 26th at 3:00 PM, so please get your orders in before then, as the site cannot be re-opened. October hot lunch payments are due by October 10th. Please ensure you are ordering under the correct grade and teacher.

Important dates/items:

Thursday, September 20 – Welcome Back BBQ from 4-5:30 PM
Monday, September 24 – Golf permission forms due
Tuesday, September 25 – Bake Sale
Wednesday, September 26 – Bake Sale, Casual Day, Terry Fox pledges due & October hot lunch orders due
Thursday, September 27 – Terry Fox run
Friday, September 28 – Orange Shirt Day

We began the day learning about stem and leaf plots. Students examined the data showing science test scores in their text books. We were asked:Which test scores appear most often? (75 and 81). How do you know? (I counted how many times each score appeared.) We learned that the same data has been displayed on a stem and leaf plot. A stem and leaf plot is a way to organize data in numerical order. 

Ms. Jaskolka modeled how to draw the plot with a ruler, how to order the numbers, and how to write each number as a tens digit and a ones digit. We were asked: How does writing the data like this help you find the mode? (I can count how many times the same digit is repeated in each row of leaves.) What can you see in the stem and leaf plot that you cannot see in the chart?(I can easily find the medium, mode, and range of the data. I can see how many students scored in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s. I can see the highest mark and the lowest mark.) Students then measured the length of their shoe. Each measurement was written on the board and students used this data to create a stem and leaf plot to show the length in cm. Students worked on ordering the numbers, both in the stems and in the leaves, from least to greatest, and that they give their plots a title (students are reminded to give their stem and leaf plots a title each time). Students determined the mean, mode and medium of the shoe sizes in our class. We then worked on some questions in our homework book about stem and leaf plots and calculating the mean, median and mode for the data provided. 

Then we had French.

After first recess and lunch we began our novel study for this term: City of Ember. We learned that for our final summative task, we will write a book report. The book report will include a graphic organiser where they record notes about the events from the beginning, middle, and end of the book. They will use this to write a summary. Finally, they will make connections between the book and our current UOI on electricity and reflect on the most important event in the story and whether the characters in the book possess the attributes and attitudes of an IB student. Students were then placed into groups  and completed the City of Emberscavenger hunt. They made predictions about the book by examining the cover. Students shared their thoughts in their groups and with the class.

After we talked about International Day and the topics that we will research about. We have chosen Pakistan as our country for International Day. You are all welcome to join us on October 4thto check out all our research about Pakistan as well as all the research and information presented by all the PYP classes related to their chosen country. There will also by yummy treats to have from each country! students are asked to do some research tonight about their chosen topic. If possible, students are asked to print this information. The information can also be sent to me and I can print at school. Students will also have time research at school this week. 
Music: Aishraya and Lillian
Dress: Manisha and Teni
Food: Mona and Joana
Toys: Matthew
Games: Adam and Shivam
Sports: Jallone and Suhana
Interesting laws/polices: Thomas and Dean
Rules and customs: Suhana
Art: Dolapo and Daniel

After second recess and lunch we had gym with Mr. Orr. 

Science Fair forms and money were due today. Please hand these in as soon as possible.

Golf forms need to be handed in. Students will be going golfing part of our physical education program on October 1. 

Terry fox forms were sent home today. They are due September 28th.

We have chosen Pakistan as our country for International Day. You are all welcome to join us on October 4thto check out all our research about Pakistan as well as all the research and information presented by all the PYP classes related to their chosen country. There will also by yummy treats to have from each country! 

Homework tonight:

1.    Many students finished the Math homework at school. Pg. 104-106. As a result, I created another sheet for homework about calculating the mean median and mode and creating stem and leaf plots based on the date given. I will also attach in this email.
2.    Research on Pakistan for International Day: students are asked to do some research tonight about their chosen topic. If possible, students are asked to print this information. The information can also be sent to me and I can print at school. Students will also have time research at school this week. 
Music: Aishraya and Lillian
Dress: Manisha and Teni
Food: Mona and Joana
Toys: Matthew
Games: Adam and Shivam
Sports: Jallone and Suhana
Interesting laws/polices: Thomas and Dean
Rules and customs: Suhana

Art: Dolapo and Daniel

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