Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Wednesday September 19, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday!!

The first Grade 6 extra curricular activity is upon us. They will be going to a golf range on  October 1. Permission forms have been sent home and are due back on Monday, September 24th. There is no cost, as it has been included in the tuition. 

Our Terry Fox event is just around the corner. This is an annual event here at SJA. As we have done every year, we are asking donations. Pledge sheets have been sent home, and will be due by Wednesday, September 26th. The class with the highest amount of money collected will win an ice cream party! Thank you in advance for your donations!

Soccer Practice Schedule

**Please note that students doing any after school activity, soccer, karate, yoga, etc. will be charged until 4:00 PM in aftercare, when they will be dismissed to their program with their coach!**

October hot lunch can now be ordered. The site will close on September 26th at 3:00 PM, so please get your orders in before then, as the site cannot be re-opened. October hot lunch payments are due by October 10th. Please ensure you are ordering under the correct grade and teacher.

Important dates/items:

Thursday, September 20 – Welcome Back BBQ from 4-5:30 PM
Monday, September 24 – Golf permission forms due
Tuesday, September 25 – Bake Sale
Wednesday, September 26 – Bake Sale, Casual Day, Terry Fox pledges due & October hot lunch orders due
Thursday, September 27 – Terry Fox run
Friday, September 28 – Orange Shirt Day

Caribou Math Contest is an online mathematics contest that is held 6 times per year. Last year we did a trial run with a few students from Grade 6 and above. This year we are going to offer it to students in Grades 3 and up. This is something that will be done on a student’s own time. This will not be a focus of our math program. That being said, Dr. Kaur and Mr. Lee-Guide have offered to run a math club on Wednesday morning beginning at 8:00 AM for those who are interested. There is a $15 annual fee that must be paid and the test times begin at 7:15 AM. Committed students will write the tests on:

Wednesday, October 17th, 2018
Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
Wednesday, January 16th, 2019
Wednesday, February 13th, 2019
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019
Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

Permission forms were sent home. Please follow the instructions at the bottom of the page to register your child and pay the fee and return the permission form to me.

Don't forget about Polar Expressions Publishing!

We began the day using Excel or google spreadsheets to create bar graphs and line graphs! We caught on very quickly!! We will continue to use the skills learned today to continue to create our own bar graphs and line graphs tomorrow and we will continue to use these skills during our unit of inquiry and for our Exhibition project! We will also focus on when to use each graph and answering questions related to our graphs. 

Then we had French with Mdm. Stella.

After first recess and lunch we dove into our novel study. Ms. Jaskolka explained that we will be working in literature circles. Each day we will have a role: Discussion Director, Literary Luminary, Connector, Illustrator/Mapper or Word wizard. Within our literature circles we will share the information related to our role. Today we read chapter 1 and students were given their first role. They are to complete the activity for their designated role and come to school tomorrow ready to discuss their information with their group.

Discussion Director: Shivam, Dolapo, Teni, Dean
Literary Luminary: Joana, Jallone, Rhea, Ava
Connector: Manisha, Daniel, Matthew, Adam
Illustrator/Mapper: Suhana, Thomas, Hannah
Word Wizard: Aishraya, Mona 

After we reviewed our understanding about electricity and how to write a proper letter. Next, we were given various electricity problems and we needed to use our trouble shooting skills to figure out why a particular circuit was not working. Next, Mr. Ohm faces us with a challenge. He wrote a letter asking us to fix a night light for his daughter. Our job as trouble shooting experts, is to write a letter back to him, explaining how he can fix the night light for his daughter. 

Next, we had recess and then lunch.

At the end of the day we had gym with Mr. Orr.

Have a great night!

1.    Read Daily
2.    Cursive 2 pages
3.    Novel study: Chapter 1 literature circle role
4.    UOI: trouble shooting problems and letter 
5.    Research for International Day
6.    Op art due Friday
7.    French homework
8.    Sign Language Rubric 

9.    Laptops tomorrow 

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