Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Wednesday November 14, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday! 

Kind messages for Kindness Day!

We began the day learning about rates and unit rates in math. 

rate is a comparison in which two quantities with different units are being compared. A rate is a special type of ratio
·      3 burgers in 2 minutes – In this case we are comparing the unit of burgers to the unit of minutes. 
·      Miles per hour, Miles per gallon, $ per hour are very common rates

A unit rate is special type of rate. In this case, the comparison is made with a denominator of 1, which is why it is called a unit rate. The word “UNIT” indicates that we are interested in a "Quantity per one of" comparison.
·      60 miles per (one) hour. This phrase, “60 miles per hour” means that something is moving at a rate of 60 miles for every 1 hour that it is moving
·      2 pencils per student -- note that the "one" is often omitted in stating a unit rate

We did some examples as a rale to ensure our understanding between a rate and a unit rate and understanding how to convert from a rate to a unit rate.

We then continued working on our Polar Expressions.

After first recess and lunch we began preparing our presentations on our topic related to flight.

Then we had Music.

When we returned, we continued preparing our presentations on our topic related to flight.

After second recess and lunch we worked on our cars and our flight presentations. 


1.    Read Daily
2.    Math sheets on rates and unit rates 
3.    Sign Literature Circles rubric
4.    Sign Book Report Rubric
5.    Presentation ready on flight for tomorrow 

6.    Science Fair: The whole duo tang needs to be ready for tomorrow 

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