Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Wednesday November 7, 2018

Wonderful Wednesday! 

We began the day comparing ratios. We looked at two different punch recipes in our math books and worked in groups to figure out which one was stronger. Student used their understanding of ratios and equivalent ratios to determine which punch is strong:
-What is the ratio of concentrate to water in recipe A? (2:3) in recipe B? (3:4)
-How did you find which punch is strong? (I used equivalent ratios: For recipe A, 2:3=4:6=6:9=8:12; for recipe B, 3:4=6:8=9:12. I kept writing equivalent ratios until the second terms were the same. Then I looked at the first terms. Recipe B uses more concentrate, so its punch is strong).

We then used this knowledge to determine whose coffee is stronger Erica’s or Jim’s? Again, we used our knowledge of equivalent ratios to find out who’s coffee is stronger. We could also use lowest common multiple – lowest common multiple of 5 and 7 is 35.

We then used our problem-solving skills to answer questions about comparing ratios. 

Then we had French. 

Next, we worked on our electric cars.  

After first recess and lunch we wrote our Ontario writing assessment and Polar Expression entry. 

Then we had Music.

When we returned, we watched videos and made notes to help us better understand and see why planes fly. We focused on the four forces that effect flight: Lift, Thrust, Drag, and Gravity (Weight). 

We also explored the motions of the plane: pitch (the up and down movement of the nose of the plane), roll (motion where one wing top moves while the other wing tip moves down, causing the body of the plane to roll), Yaw (side to side movement of the nose of the plane).

After second recess and lunch we watched a video about how helicopters fly! We also compared how airplanes fly and how helicopters fly.






Then we worked on a Four forces activity’ where we applied our learning from the videos and the reading provided to answer questions about flight. 


1.    Read Daily
2.    Finish 4 forces package
3.    Math textbook page 55-56 Questions 1-5 (Most students finished in class)
4.    Math sheets

5.    French homework 

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