Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 23 March 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

Marvelous Monday!

We began the day writing out our lesson 22 spelling words and then showing our understanding in our spelling books.

After, we had physical education with Ms. Lovan.

When students returned, we continued learning about addition with two digit numbers using a place value mat. We first did a question together as a class:
The grade 1’s and grade 2’s are going to a show. There are 42 grade 1’s and 36 grade 2 children going. How many grade 1 and grade 2 children are going to the show?
We showed how to model 42 using the place value mat and 36.
42: is 4 tens and 2 ones
36: is 3 tens and 6 ones.
We figured out that we now have 7 tens and 8 ones so 78 students went to the show altogether.
We then moved onto another question:
The grade 2’s put on their own show. They had blue tickets for kids and yellow tickets for adults. They gave out 28 blue tickets and 37 yellow. How many people came to the show?
We determined that we have 15 ones so we need to make a group of ten and add it to the ten’s column (there are two columns on a place value mat – one for 1’s and one for 10’s). When we have 10 one’s we trade them for 1 ten stick; we need to ensure to cross out the 1’s that we used to make the ten stick and also that we add one more ten stick to the 10’s column.
Students showed their understanding in their math books, answering similar questions on their own.

We then moved on to UOI. Students began working on their brochures about the country that they researched over the March Break.

After first recess and lunch we had French. When students returned they wrote their homework in their agendas and then completed any unfinished work.

After second recess and lunch we wrote an explanation about a monster that we created. We described the shape, size, colour and how many of each: eyes, ears, body, arms and legs, mouth and teeth, hair and other features (tongue, feet). Today we began organizing our ideas onto a graphic organizer.
We then started to draw our monster exactly how we described it.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.    Return Reading Comprehension and Math homework (Teni)
3.    Form and money for field trip (Teni and Dolapo)

4.    Bring in any extra information for your country

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