Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Terrific Tuesday!!

****Math homework: I sent home 1 place value mat with the students that they will use for pg. 159 when solving their own story problem.
Pg. 160: students will trade with a partner at school, please complete the first part at home.
Pg. 161: Students can make their own place value mat to help them with this page using scrap paper.

We began the day with our exciting field trip to Fo Guang Shan temple. When we came in, we met our tour guide, who taught us so much about Buddha and Buddhism. We were excellent inquirers asking so many questions!!

We then came back for first recess and lunch.

Students then had Music.

After students had French with Mdm. Stella.

When students returned, we continued learning about addition with two digit numbers using a place value mat. We first did a question together as a class:
The grade 1’s and grade 2’s are going to a show. There are 42 grade 1’s and 36 grade 2 children going. How many grade 1 and grade 2 children are going to the show?
We showed how to model 42 using the place value mat and 36.
42: is 4 tens and 2 ones
36: is 3 tens and 6 ones.
We figured out that we now have 7 tens and 8 ones so 78 students went to the show altogether.
We then moved onto another question:
The grade 2’s put on their own show. They had blue tickets for kids and yellow tickets for adults. They gave out 28 blue tickets and 37 yellow. How many people came to the show?
We determined that we have 15 ones so we need to make a group of ten and add it to the ten’s column (there are two columns on a place value mat – one for 1’s and one for 10’s). When we have 10 one’s we trade them for 1 ten stick; we need to ensure to cross out the 1’s that we used to make the ten stick and also that we add one more ten stick to the 10’s column.
Students showed their understanding in their math books, answering similar questions on their own.

1.    Read for 20 minutes
2.   Math pg. 158-161

3.   Lunch forms due March 29

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