Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday!

We began the day writing our homework in our agendas and then learning about the water cycle. Learning about the water cycle will help us better understand the importance of water conservation since water moves in a cycle, and we never get new water. We began watching a Bill Nye video about the water cycle to better understand how water moves around.

We then had physical education with Mr. Slyk.

During math, we worked on problem solving questions using fractions. There were 12 children at a camp site and only 2 tents, ½ of the children will go into each tent: how many children would go into each tent? We figured out the answer would by 6.
There were 12 children at a camp site and only 3 tents, 1/3 of the children will go into each tent: how many children would go into each tent? We figured out the answer would by 4. There were 12 children at a campsite and 4 tents, 1/4 of the children will go into each tent: how many children would go into each tent? We figured out the answer would by 3.
We realized that multiplication and division strategies could help us answer these questions and also using visuals and cubes.
We then did a similar question using 24 children. Students then showed their understanding in their math books.
There are 13 children lined up for the bumper cars. There are 4 bumper cars. Each bumper car can hold 3 children. Can everyone ride bumper cars at the same time? We explained using pictures, numbers, and words how one child would be left out. We then answered similar questions.

After first recess and lunch, we began writing our adventure/scary story using the story plan we created yesterday.

We then had French with Mdm. Stella.

After second recess and lunch, we continued working our stories.

We then continued watching the Bill Nye video.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.   Summative due May 24
3.   Summer Fiesta form
4.   Lunch forms due May 23

5.   Spelling test tomorrow

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