Specialist Blogs

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Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Wednesday January 25, 2017 Year Ahead Day!

Wonderful Wednesday!!

What a fun day in grade 2!!

We began the day introducing ourselves and then we dove into math. We played bingo using our amazing addition skills. Ms. Jaskolka would gave us two numbers to add together and then we looked to see if we had the answer on our bingo card. The grade 2’s did a great job working together and helping each other out in figuring out the answers!!

We were then off to physical education with Mr. H.

When students returned, we worked on our mental math. Not only did we practice our addition and subtraction skills, we also used our multiplication and division skills!!! We played a game of follow me cards. A student would call out an equation and the rest of the students would see if they had the answer and then call out the next equation (I am start, who is 3+1? I am 4, who is 2X8). We timed ourselves to see how quickly we could use our mental math skills. The first time it took us 8 minutes and 53 seconds. The second time it took us 4 minutes and 45 seconds!!! Great job Grade 2’s!!!

Following first recess and lunch we worked on our reading comprehension skills. We read a book called The little White Owl as a group. First, we made predictions about what we thought this book would be about based on the title and the cover. We continued making predictions as we continued reading the story. After, we did a retell of the story as a class. Then, we explored the author message. We decided that the author was trying to tell us that everyone is different, unique and special!!!! We used the author message to work on a writing activity. We wrote and drew what makes us unique! Check out what makes us special:

After second recess and lunch, we learned that the Grade 2’s are inquiring about different cultures around the world and the various holidays and traditions celebrated. We brainstormed as a class the different holidays that we knew about and then we chose our favourite one and explained why.

At the end of the day we played a fun game of ‘would you rather’. Each student was given a ‘would you rather’ card and was given an opportunity to choose and explain one of the options. For example: would you rather have big elephant ears or a long giraffe neck! This was so much fun!!!

Thank you for joining me, Ms. Smith’s class. I had a wonderful day with you! See you next year!

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