Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday 27 March 2017

Monday March 27, 2017

Magnificent Monday!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

We then sat in a circle and shared all our exciting activities that we did over the March break!

After we had physical education.

When we returned, we used manipulatives and a class place value mat to review how to add using a place value mat. We then worked together to problem solve two digit subtraction problems using the place value mat. Next we worked in partners to continue practicing two-digit subtraction using a place value mat.

After first recess and lunch, we continued working with our partners.

Next we began our new unit of Inquiry On the Move  (Where we are in place and time). First we worked on an activity listing and drawing as many modes of transportation we know and why they are used. Then we worked together to talk about all the transportation that we know about from the past and the present. We then looked over to our IB board and explored the central idea, key concepts and lines of inquiry for this unit. This led to a conversation about migration and made us think about why our parents, grand parents or great grand parents migrated to Canada. Our discussions lead us to have many questions! We wrote them down on a post-it note and put it on our wonder wall. We will explore our questions during this unit.

After second recess and lunch we worked on our lesson 23 words.

Arnav also presented his campaign to help his friend in need:


Next we began our novel study: The Borrowers Afloat


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling pg. 93-96
3.     Autism Awareness Day – bring in 2 dollars to wear blue
4.     Causal Day Wednesday

5.     Trip form due April 4
Project materials by April 10

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