Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Tuesday February 28, 2017

Tremendous Tuesday!

We began the day with our open-minded winner awards. Our open-minded friend is Amber!!

We then had our pancake eating contest!!!

When we returned to class, we continued working on our summative project.

Next we had psychical education.

When students returned, they continued working on their summative project.

After first recess and lunch we continued working on our summative project.

Following second recess and lunch, we explored the learner profile for the month of February, Open Minded. We read a book called A Rainbow of Friends and had a conversation about what it means to be open-minded. We then worked on an activity where we discussed what being open-minded looks, feels, and sounds like. We also completed an activity for the attitude of the month, which is Cooperation.


1.     Read for 20 minutes

2.     Maples and St. Jude’s poem competition tomorrow

Monday, 27 February 2017

Monday February 27, 2017

Marvelous Monday!!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

After we began our new math unit. We first worked on a mental math activity. We were given cards with a number broken down by tens and ones and we needed to work together to finish the mental math activity as quickly as we could; we were able to do it in 02 minutes and 50 seconds. We looked at the Big Math Book and saw the various ways that the number 67 was shown. We saw the number 67 on: a hat, shirts, hundred’s chart, dog collar, a tally. We then discussed what we knew about the number 67. 67 is less than 100, 67 is greater than 50, it is quite a bit more than 10, close to 65. Other ways that we could show the number 67 is using ten frames (6 ten frames and 7 counters) and 6 ten sticks and 7 individual cubes. We then worked in groups to represent a two-digit number in as many ways as we could. We then used our three numbers and compared them as a class.

We were then off to physical education.

When we returned, we showed our understanding of representing numbers in different ways in our Math books.

Following first recess and lunch we began our summative projects creating a campaign for our imagined scenario that our friend has lost everything from a fire.

We then had Music with Mr. Oliver.

When we returned, we continued working on our summative project.

After second recess and lunch we worked with our spelling words for the week.

1.    Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling pg. 86-88

3.     Cursive pg. 88

Friday, 24 February 2017

Friday February 24, 2017

Fantastic Friday!!

We spent the morning watching the poem competition. Here are our finalists from our class. Great job Grade 2’s!!!!

Following first recess and lunch we watched the speeches by the grades 4-7 finalists.

After second recess and lunch, we continued to play outside because we did such an excellent job listening to the poem and speech competition.

At the end of the day we had sharing time.

Here are our criminals and lawyers!!

Some videos:




1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Cursive pg. 86-7