Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Wednesday, September 15, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

We began the day having French with Mdm. Stella.

While the grade 2’s learned more about sorting, the grade 3’s completed any unfinished work.

Grade 2’s: we reviewed the attributes that we can use to sort various items: colour, shape, size and direction; these will be our focus for the unit. We then went on to inquire how we can sort items that belong in two categories. We were introduced to sorting circles. Miss. Jaskolka drew two big circles on the board that connected in the middle. We then grouped students that had laces on their shoe in one circle, and students who had t-shirts in the other circle. Knowing our two categories, we knew that students with laces and t-shirts would go into the middle because they fit into both categories. We then did various examples using shapes and colours. For example: brown shapes in one circle, green shapes in the second circle and then we figured out that shapes that were both brown and green would go into the middle since they belong in both categories. We then showed our understanding in our math books.

Next we had Art with Ms. Kerr.

Following first recess and lunch, we wrote our homework in our agendas and then were off to physical education with Ms. Lovan.

When students returned, Grade 2’s completed any unfinished work.

Grade 3’s: We reviewed what we learned yesterday about counting on a number line. Ms. Jaskolka gave as various examples on the board and we needed to figure out how much we were counting by and the pattern that emerged (ex: when we start at 8 and count by 5, the number in the ones column stays the same: 8, 13, 18, 23, 28…) After, as a class, we looked at a number line that had very few numbers on it, and we estimated where certain number would go. We then did some examples on our own.

After second recess and lunch, the Grade 3’s continued working on Math and the Grade 2’s continued on with their Novel study. We finished off making predictions and then we read Chapter 1 of Chocolate Fever. We met Henry’s family and learned that Henry Green love chocolate so much that he has it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! While we were reading, we practiced making text to self-connections and paying attention to the description of the main characters. Afterwards, we practiced our summarization skills as a group.

Grade 2:
1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Scholastic due September 30
3.     BBQ on Thursday
Grade 3:
1.     Read for 25 minutes
2.     Scholastic due September 30
3.     BBQ on Thursday

4.     Math pg. 8-9

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