Tremendous Tuesday!
We began the day having French with Mlle.
We then made clocks in Math to better help
us tell time during our current unit.
Next, we had physical education with Mr. H.
When students returned, we read part of
Chapter 16 in Charlotte’s Web.
After first recess and lunch, we continued our
Healthy Food Guide presentations.
We then went over what it means to have a
balanced diet. We talked about the importance of eating different kinds of food
and following Canada’s Food Guide to know how many servings we should have of
each food group. We went over a balanced food plate and how many servings we
should be having of each food group in a day. We also went over examples of the
various foods that belong in each food group. We also learned about the fifth
food group, which include fats and sugars; we went over examples of each:
We also read a book and talked about the
foods that give us energy (grains), help us grow (dairy and meat/alternatives),
contribute to the health of our bones and teeth (dairy), provide protein
(meat/alternatives), and the foods that give us vitamins and keep us from
getting sick (fruits and vegetables). We also talked about the various
alternatives to meat that would still belong in the meat and alternative
sections, such as, tofu, eggs, and peanut butter.
Afterwards, we talked about the eight
healthy practices that we can include in our daily lives:
We then performed action as a class and
created healthy hygiene posters so the whole school knows of the various ways
that they can take care of their bodies every day.
Following second recess and lunch, we
continued working on our posters and then the good copies of our toy
explanations. We have been finding mistakes that Ms. Jaskolka has missed! We
are becoming more reflective and fantastic editors!
Read for 20 minutes
Art Reach due Thursday
Memorize Guy Fawkes Poem
Organic item for basket
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