Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Thursday November 30, 2017

Tremendous and Terrific Thursday!!!!

We began the day practicing for Science Fair.

Then we had French and then Gym.

After first recess and lunch we presented our science fair project to the judges. Our class blew away Ms. Jaskolka and the judges with our confident presentation and all our incredible knowledge about our project!!! We were able to answer all of the questions from the judges!!!! We are so excited to find out who won for the science fair!!!
Ms. Jaskolka was particularly impressed with our professionalism during our presentation to the science fair judges!

We then dove into math. We began with our multiplication follow me cards; we were able to complete them in 02 minutes and 40 seconds!!!! We then practiced many different strategies for multiples of 2 and 5. We used a hundred’s chart, number line, multiplication table, pictures, arrays, skip counting and our mental math skills to practice multiplying by 2 and 5!!! We showed our knowledge with activities related to multiplying by 2 and 5.

After second recess and lunch we were able to enjoy the science fair! We had the opportunity to explain our project to anyone interested and we also had the opportunity to go around and check out the other science fair projects!

What a great day!!!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Math sheet
3.     Spelling test tomorrow

4.     Cultural Flag information sheet due Monday (another copy was sent home today for students who have not brought in this sheet yet)

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Wednesday November 29, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday!!

SJA is excited to announce that Year Ahead Day is happening again this year!  All SJA PYP students will be participating in this exciting event on Tuesday, December 5th.   Year Ahead Day is a fun and interactive day for the students at SJA to spend a day in the class of the grade level ahead of them (example: SK students spend their day as Grade 1 students, Grade 6 students spend their day as Grade 7 students, etc.).  This is a great way for the students at SJA to get a glimpse into their future life at SJA!  Students can get to know the teachers, see their future classroom, and take part in activities they will be participating in next year.

We began the day practicing for Christmas concert.

Next we wrote in our agendas and did some silent reading. We worked on our reading comprehension by stating one thing we know about the book that we read to Ms. Jaskolka.

Then we had French and then Gym.

After lunch and recess we had Math. We explored arrays to help us better understand multiplication, but first we did our multiplication follow me cards and we were able to complete this challenge in 3 minutes and 24 seconds!!!!! We then worked as a class to explore arrays and how two similar multiplication sentences can be shown in different ways.

Example 2x3 means there are two groups of 3
3x2 means 3 groups of 2

So these two similar multiplication sentences would be shown in different ways.

We then found 2 more ways we could find the answer 6 by multiplying 2 numbers! 6 x1 and 1x6!!

After we were given a challenge!!! We worked in groups to find out all the different ways we could make arrays and figure out the multiplication sentence for the product 12!!! We found 6 ways!!! 2x6, 6x2, 12x1, 1x12, 3x4 and 4x3!!!

We then worked on some single digit multiplication activities!

After second recess and lunch, we summarized our novel study as a class and then completed a book report for it: Song Lee in Room 2B. Ms. Jaskolka was really impressed with how much we remembered and so happy that we were so engaged in this novel study!!!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Math sheet
3.     Science fair tomorrow

4.     Cultural Flag info sheet due Monday

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Tuesday November 28 2017

Tremendous Tuesday!

We began the day practicing for Christmas concert.

We then had French.

We then continued practicing for Christmas concert.

After fist recess and lunch we had Music.

Next we dove into math. We first did a new set of multiplication and repeated addition follow me cards; today we were able to answer all the question in 4 minutes and 36 seconds. Tomorrow we will try and beat this time! We then continued exploring how multiplication is repeated addition.

After second recess and lunch we practiced for science fair.

Also, Mr. Pereira read us his migration story!


Have a great night!

Student led conferences (Parent-Teacher interviews) forms will go home Thursday with all the information. You will be able to start signing up online on Friday.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling pg. 49-52 (if not complete)
3.     Cursive pg. 50-51 (if not complete)
4.     Sign Math test (if not done)
5.     Sign UOI rubric (if not done)
6.     Cultural Flag information sheet due Monday
7.     Bake Sale tomorrow
8.     Casual Day tomorrow
9.     Science Fair Thursday
10.  Math sheet related to multiplication