Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Thursday February 21, 2019

Tremendous Thursday! 

We began the day with Math. 
Learning Goal: construct and analyse tiling patterns 

Discuss where students have seen tiling in their environment.

Questions Guiding our lesson: 
-Where have you seen tiling patterns? (On the brick walls, floors, counters, checkboards)
-Which figures do you know that tile a surface (a square and a rectangle)
-What do you we mean when we say that a figure ties a surface? (We mean that the figure covers a surface with no gaps or overlaps)

We went through the criteria needed in order to tile a plane: There can be no gaps and all the angles that meet at a vertex need to add up to 360 degrees. 

Success Criteria:

I understand that:

-a figure tiles the plane if congruent copies of the figure cover a page and leave no gaps
-a triangle and a quadrilateral always tile the plane 

Then we had French.

After first recess and lunch we did an art lesson: 
Learning Goal: Students will begin to develop an understanding of how to use tempera paint in the style of the Group of Seven.
Students watched Painting like the Group of Seven in Time Lapse. After viewing, we discussed how the elements of shape, colour and especially value were evident in this sample, the steps and techniques the artist used to accomplish this.
Success Criteria: I describe the style of Group of Seven work
-       depicting a physical aspect of Northern Canada
-       as capturing the soul of the landscape
-       as  not about preciseness but broad brush strokes to represent the shape of the landscape
as using increasingly lighter or darker values of colour to add a three-dimensional quality to the work

Then we had Music. 

When we returned, we worked on the story board for our city/province in order to organize our ideas for our commercial. We will use our story board to create a PowerPoint commercial convincing others to come live in that city/province based on their PEPS. 

After second recess and lunch we continued working on our story board.

At the end of the day we reviewed persuasive writing and how to write a persuasive letter on a specific topic. 


1. Read Daily
2. Finish Story Board
3. Math text book page. 268-9 Questions 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 (most finished in class)
4. Math sheets
5. Composite photos tomorrow (full dress uniform with academic tie) 

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