Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday, 7 February 2019


A note regarding speeches – Due to our growing population at SJA, this year poems/stories/speeches will be split into two days. On Thursday, February 7th, JK-Grade 3 will recite their poems and stories and on Friday, February 8th, Grade 4-8 will recite their speeches. The tentative schedule is as follows: On Thursday, JK and SK poems will run from 9:00-10:30 and Grades 1-3 stories will run from 11:00-1:00. On Friday, Grade 4-5 will recite their speeches from 9:00-10:30 and Grades 6-8 will recite their speeches from 11:00-1:00. Division winners (Grades 1-3, 4-6, and 7-8) from this round will compete against students from the Maples Academy on Wednesday, February 13th. This year the inter-school competition will take place at the Maples Academy campus in Orangeville. Finalists will be bussed to the competition at the Maples Academy.

A note regarding Caribou Math Contest - The next Caribou contest will take place on Wednesday February 13th, 2019. Please arrive at 7:15 am for a 7:30 am start. You will have one hour to complete the test. Bring your own device. Ensure your device is full charged. The next interactive question will be Sudoku which you students can practice now on the Caribou games page. This time grade 3/4 participants will have to solve a 6x6 Sudoku problem, although with an increased number of digits already inserted. There is no history question in the coming contest.

A note from Ms. Melissa regarding re-registration packages - Just a friendly reminder that re-registration packages are due no later than Monday, February 11.  After this time, spots will be opened up to the public and your child will not be guaranteed a space for next year.  We look forward to seeing you back for next year! **If we are the first class to have all registration forms returned we will have a pizza party and movie afternoon the Friday before March Break. Drinks and chips/treats will be included!!**

Jump Rope for Heart – It is that time again! We will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart on Thursday, February 14th. Donation packages have been sent home. You can pledge using cash or you can donate on the website. House points will be rewarded to each student who brings in donations. If we meet our school goal of $2500, students will be rewarded with a fun activity – JK to Grade 3 will have a dance party and Grades 4-6 will have device time. Let’s see what we can do SJA!
**We have raised $1500 thus far. Let’s keep it up, SJA!!*

Don't miss out on your chance to reserve your spot for our March Break Camp!!

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