Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!

We have some Action Stars!!

Teni and Dolapo were looking at a box of gushers and on the box it said that the gushers taste like real fruit. They wondered if there was actually real fruit in the gushers so they looked at the ingredients and the closest thing they found to fruits was pear concentrate and grape juice.
Both girls also noticed they wore t-shirts with gap logos on the weekend. Teni said having this logo on their shirt makes them a human billboard advertising for gap and Dolapo said that wearing this logo is advertising for gap and getting other people to buy it.
Saanvi noticed a Coca-Cola truck and she used what she learned in class to see the techniques and purpose. The techniques were: colour (bright) and graphics. The purpose of the advertisement on the truck is to entertain and persuade people to buy coca cola.

Great job showing action!!

We began the day having art with Mr. Monaghan and physical education with Ms. Lovan.

When the students returned, they continued working on their UOI summative assignment. They continued working on their advertisement and then moved on to their rough copies.

In math, we divided our clock in quarters and labeled 12 with o’clock, 3 with quarter after, 6 with half past, and 9 with quarter to. Students did so in order to help them figure out how to determine what time it is when the minute hand moves around the clock every fifteen minutes.

After first recess and lunch, students had French. When students returned, they wrote their homework in their agendas and then worked more on telling time. Students figured out the time on an analog clock and determined if it was o’clock, quarter after, half past, or quarter to (the hour hand is pointing at three and the minute hand is pointing at the 3 so this means it is a quarter past three)

After second recess and lunch, we learned about a recount. A recount is when you tell someone about something in order. Ms. Jaskolka did a recount of her Saturday so we could better understand what a recount means:

We then read The Bravest Fish by Matt Buckingham and did a recount as a class when we finished reading the book.

At the end of the day we continued to build our stamina for Read to Self. We are getting better! Watch us concentrate:

1. Read for 20 minutes
2. Picture order forms are due November 17

3. Picture retake November 14

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