Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tremendous Tuesday!

Students began the day having French with Mdm. Stella.

During our unit of inquiry, we continued exploring various kinds of media. We began the class listening to riddles and we needed to figure out what media was being described.
Ex: I am made of large sheets of paper. I have photographs and lots of words. I tell people the news. What am I?
Answer: A Newspaper

In groups, students will be making their own advertisement about a toy of their choosing. During Art, they drew out their product.

After first recess and lunch we had physical education.

In Math, we explored the length of time that certain tasks take. Students answered what takes longer: lining up for recess or recess itself? What would take a shorter time: eating lunch or walking to the door? What would take less time: walking across the room or singing “Happy Birthday.” We figured out that it was singing happy birthday. We also used a pendulum to see how many swings it took to do certain tasks: write our name, draw and colour in a circle, say the alphabet.
We then estimated how long it took to blink our eyes 10 times, draw a face, sing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” put on our coat, wash our hands. Then we used a pendulum to see how many swings it took us to do each activity. Using the pendulum, we can see how fast seconds are.

Following math, we began making our advertisement for a toy that we made. We used a graphic organizer to describe our product.
Important considerations: name of product, target audience, catchy opening (to catch reader’s attention), words and phrases, reason why the audience should buy your product, descriptive explanation of your product (ensure to use lots of detail describing why the reader should buy your product: how is it fun?)
After second recess and lunch, we continued working on our graphic organizers. Here we are:

Then, we read chapter 6 of Chocolate Fever. Henry became so scared and frustrated with all the doctors poking and prodding him, that he decided to run away from everyone!

After, we watched a commercial that Manny was in for the PanAm games. Manny explained to everyone how his commercial was persuading others to watch the PanAm games. Great action Manny!

We then discussed the difference between fact and opinion. A fact is information that is known or proven to be true. An opinion is a personal view, which may or may not be based on facts (I think, I believe, and in my opinion). We then played a trivia game as a class, deciding if a statement was fact or opinion.
Saturday comes after Friday – Fact
Candy is better than spinach – Opinion

Here is the game if students want to play at home:

What a busy and terrific day!

1.    Read for 20 minutes
2.   Math test signed
3.   Casual day tomorrow

4.   Bake sale tomorrow

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