Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 28 April 2017

Friday April 28, 2017

Fabulous Friday!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

We then wrote our spelling test.

After we headed over to the spring fundraiser assembly. We got to silly string two teachers!!!! Also Mr. Oliver was pied in the face!!!!

When we returned we wrote our math test.

Following first recess and lunch we had our dance party for the Spring Fundraiser!!!

After second recess and lunch we had Jacob and Daksh present their migration stories.





Next we talked about the learner profile for the month-Balanced. We spoke about what it means to be balanced: we take care of our mind, body and feelings. We then completed an activity where we demonstrated how we are balanced in our daily lives.

Since we have been working so hard this week, we were able to play outside at the end of the day!! Part of being balanced means exercising and doing what makes us happy to take care of our feelings.

 Image result for happy face


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling tests signed
3.     Math test signed
4.     Dance and Causal day tomorrow
5.     Please being in a picture frame that is about 8-9 by 11 inches (about the size of a piece of paper) for a special art project
6.     Students are also asked to bring in a picture of themselves that is about 8cm by 8cm
WOW knowing different kinds of measurements really helps!!
7.     Practice for the Spelling bee – words were provided yesterday

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Thursday April 27, 2017

Terrific Tuesday!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

We then began our migration story presentations:




We then had gym.

When we returned, we continued presenting our migration story.



Arnav part 2:


Following first recess and lunch, we continued presenting our migration story.

Afterwards, we were able to enjoy a yummy sundae on this warm day!!!

After second recess and lunch, we continued presenting our migration story.

Ms. Jaskolka is extremely impressed with all the hard work and efforts that each student put into our migration story project! She learned so much from the teachers’ of the day!!!








Amber part 2:





At the end of the day, we watched the two top students for our Spring Fundraiser pie Mr. Sawatsky in the face!!!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling test tomorrow
3.     Math test tomorrow
4.     Dance and Causal day tomorrow
5.     3 dollar donation due tomorrow
6.     Pledge forms due tomorrow
7.     Please being in a picture frame that is about 8-9 by 11 inches (about the size of a piece of paper) for a special art project
8.     Students are also asked to bring in a picture of themselves that is about 8cm by 8cm
WOW knowing different kinds of measurements really helps!!