Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 10 April 2017

Monday April 10, 2017

Magnificent Monday!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

We then reviewed for our Math test tomorrow.

Next we were off to gym.

When we returned, we worked in partners to review for our Math test tomorrow.

After, we joined Ms. Baimas’ class for our special project!!! We first watched a video that showed us a futuristic type of vehicle that was a car and a helicopter together!!!! This would allow us to travel far distances without needing a plane ticket or booking a flight! 

We were then given the following scenario:
Due to a lack of oxygen, we are no longer able to live on Earth. You need to design a mode of futuristic of transportation. We currently do not know where we are going therefore your transportation vehicle needs to be able to travel by at least 2 of the following: land, water or air.
So we found out that we will need to migrate to another planet and that our job is to design the vehicle that we will use.
We began with designing three different kinds of vehicles. Tomorrow we will choose one and draw our design again to prepare us for building our futuristic vehicle. Here is what we came up with. Some friends took their designs home so I will post the rest tomorrow.

Following second recess and lunch we worked on our spelling words of the week and then continued designing our futuristic vehicle.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Last page report card
3.     Spelling pg. 101-104
4.     Math test tomorrow
5.     Bring back review and extra questions tomorrow

6.     Finish futuristic designs

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