Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Wednesday April 19, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday!!

We began the day having French with Mlle. Jessica.

During math we explored two standards units of measurement: Metres and centimetres.  Ms. Jaskolka showed us a metre stick and we examined it as a class. We realized that a metre stick is one metre. We then discovered that 1 metre is 100 cm!!! So then we discussed why we use different standard units of measurement. We looked at a cm ruler and realized that we would use cm for smaller items but when we need to measure big items, like our white board, we need bigger units of measurement. As a class we predicted objects that were smaller than a metre (the length of our calendar), bigger than a metre (the length of Ms. Jaskolka’s desk), and about a 1 metre (cork board). Our predictions were very close!!! As a class we measured each object to find the exact measurements. We then worked on a measuring activity, determining if we would use cm or m to measure specific objects (for a flag pole we would use metres but for a book we would use centimetres). Ms. Jaskolka then gave us a measuring challenge!

Following first recess and lunch, we continued working on our evidence booklet, trying to work together to return the missing items found in the jacket lost outside yesterday. We hope to figure out the mystery soon!!

After second recess and lunch we read chapter 7 of The Borrowers and then we made predictions about what we think will happen in the next chapter. We are at a very important part in the story! Pod, Homily and Arriety have decided to migrate to another home and they have sought out the help of Tom (a human) to help them on their adventure; Tom was very kind and willing to help! He even gave them food for their journey! The question is: Where will they go?

Arnav also shared action with us!!! He showed us a toy plane that he won which is a form of transportation! 


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spring Fundraising forms can still be returned tomorrow
3.     Pledge forms due April 28

4.     Interview sheets are due Friday

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