Specialist Blogs

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Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Thursday April 6, 2017

Tremendous Thursday!

We began the day finishing off our math reviews and working on extra problems to help us prepare for our test on Tuesday.

We then had gym.

After we went to watch the Oakwood Talent show. All participants did such a wonderful job! We also explored the Cultural Market. We had so much fun!!

Following first recess and lunch we read From Far away. We explored the story of a girl who moved from far away to Canada. We discovered how difficult it could be to move from one country to another not knowing the culture or language. Saoussan, the main character, found it so difficult that she would crawl under the desks to go to the washroom because she did not know how to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom.
We then got into groups and were given a list of scenarios where people choose to move to another country. Students identified whether the scenario is a push or pull factor and whether it is an Environmental, Social, Economic or Political factor. Each group then came up with their own scenario to give to Ms. Baimas’ class and we were given sceneries made by Ms. Bamais’ class and we needed to figure out whether the scenario is a push or pull factor and whether it is an Environmental, Social, Economic or Political factor. Ms. Baimas and Ms. Jaskolka are so proud of our understanding of push and pull factors!!!!

After second lunch and recess we read chapter 4 of The Borrowers. Next we had some sharing time.  

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