Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 1 May 2017

Monday May 1, 2017

Marvelous Monday!

We began the day practicing our organization skills.

We then moved onto our new unit math: 2-D Geometry. We discussed all the 2-D shapes that we know and real life examples. We looked into real life examples for a:

Square, rectangle, circle, triangle, hexagon, octagon and pentagon

We then completed a colouring activity showing our understanding of 2-D shapes; we focused on how many points and edges each shape has.

Next we had gym.

When we returned, we continued working with 2-D shapes.

Following first recess and lunch, we began learning about how to go about writing a persuasive advertisement. Why do we need to know about advertisements and how to write them? We learned that we are surrounded by advertisements everywhere!!! Even in the television shows we watched, we are being convinced to buy their products like shopkins or Pokémon cards! We are constantly being convinced to do something with advertisements all around us!! It is therefore important to know media literacy and the many considerations that go into writing an advertisement. We first created a graphic organizer for a yummy delicious pizza as a class!  We then wrote our own advertisement for a pizza ensuring to persuade our audience using catchy words and phrases; we are being challenged to use our words to convince someone to buy our pizza.  

After second recess and lunch we worked on our Spelling words.


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Math pg. 215-6
3.     Spelling pg. 113-116
4.     Please being in a picture frame that is about 8-9 by 11 inches (about the size of a piece of paper) for a special art project
5.     Students are also asked to bring in a picture of themselves that is about 8cm by 8cm
WOW knowing different kinds of measurements really helps!!

6.     Practice for the Spelling bee – words were provided

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