Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 21 October 2019

Monday October 21, 2019

Marvellous Monday!

We began the day writing our pre-assessment for our next math unit: Geometry and Measurement.

Then we got into our literature circles for chapter 18. Where did this book come from? Has someone come this way before? Did someone come into Ember and leave it behind or did someone leave Ember and leave it behind?? So many questions and we are almost at the end of our novel study!!!

Then we continued building our electric cars.

After first recess and lunch we had French.

Then we  began our new UOI on flight. We discussed the central idea and the lines of inquiry and matched up the key concepts to the lines of inquiry. 

How the world works
Central Idea: Air has many properties that can be used for flight and for other purposes.
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Connection
Lines of Inquiry:
·  The properties of air 
·  The structures that produce lift 
·  Societal and environmental impacts of flying devices that make use of the properties of air

We then worked in groups to look up the word ‘flight’ and ‘air’ in the dictionary and came up with an agreed upon definition for both terms. We then worked in our groups to brainstorm what we know about flight and air. We used these ideas to create our KWL chart for this unit. We also used this information to pose questions about our new UOI.

After second recess and lunch we reviewed how to write a limerick following the success criteria and then we wrote another limerick that we will share with the class some time this week.

Then we learned about another type of poetry called a 'Before Midnight' poem; perfect for Halloween! We looked at an example and then agreed on the success criteria for this poem, and then wrote our own poem. They were pretty scary!! We will share these on Halloween! 


1. Read Daily
2. Both Zentangle designs should be finished
3. Reflection for Zentangle designs should be finished
4. Math sheet
5. Finish before midnight poem
6. Finish limerick
7. Air test October 29 

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