Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday 7 October 2019

Monday October 7, 2019

Magnificent Monday! 

We began the day comparing ratios. We looked at two different punch recipes in our math books and worked in groups to figure out which one was stronger. Students used their understanding of ratios and equivalent ratios to determine which punch is strong:
-What is the ratio of concentrate to water in recipe A? (2:3) in recipe B? (3:4)
-How did you find which punch is strong? (I used equivalent ratios: For recipe A, 2:3=4:6=6:9=8:12; for recipe B, 3:4=6:8=9:12. I kept writing equivalent ratios until the second terms were the same. Then I looked at the first terms. Recipe B uses more concentrate, so its punch is strong).

We then used this knowledge to determine whose coffee is stronger Erica’s or Jim’s? Again, we used our knowledge of equivalent ratios to find out who’s coffee is stronger. We could also use lowest common multiple – lowest common multiple of 5 and 7 is 35.

We then used our problem-solving skills to answer questions about comparing ratios. 

Then we got into our literature circles for chapter 11.

After first recess and lunch we had French. 

Then we continued working on our summative project. Our success criteria for today:


I have achieved today’s success criteria that lead toward the learning goal because I …
ohave my cue cards ready
ohave rehearsed my oral presentation accompanied by a slideshow (Power Point, Prezi, etc.) aimed at the provincial government as the audience
oam comfortable using and explaining appropriate science and technology vocabulary relating to energy sources, transformations, and electricity
ohave equal speaking parts for my partner and I
oand my partner adhere to the 3 min. time limit
oI am ready to present tomorrow

Students are asked to bring devices tomorrow in order to practice and then for the presentations on Wednesday. 

1. Read Daily
2. Math questions 1-6
3. Practice for UOI presentations 
4. Novel study chapter 12 

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