Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Tuesday October 1, 2019

Tremendous Tuesday! 

We began the day celebrating birthdays from September!

Then we had Math class. Before we begin our new unit on Rates and Ratios we need to begin with skills we need to know. We know to know how to find the GCF and LCM when given a set of numbers. Today we learned how to use a factor tree to help us find the GCM and LCM of a set of numbers. Students picked up this method very quickly! We were even challenged to find the LCM and GCF for three numbers and we were able to do so using the ladder or factor tree method!

Then we got into our literature circles and fulfilled our specific roles within our groups for chapter 8.

Then we began working on our science fair projects!!!! Students were very excited to begin building their cars!!!! Students were trouble shooting and problem solving in order to get their motors to work! It was incredible to see the students applying their knowledge from our electricity unit, particularly about electrical circuits, when working on their cars!!  

After French we worked on our second summative project. Students chose from 1 of two projects: 

Project A: 
The population of Mississauga is increasing rapidly. The Ontario Power Generating (OPG) Authority is considering which source of energy would be best for our city. Our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is for the use of renewable energy. You are the expert on ______________________. Your responsibility is to present the facts to the provincial government of Ontario to help them to make an informed decision regarding which type of power generating facility to develop.

Assume your area has equal access to all energy sources. You may choose an energy source we have not learned about in class.

Project B:
Saskatchewan is a significant producer of uranium in the world and trades this resource internationally. There are concerns that the uranium meant for commercial power might be diverted and used in weapons. Canada’s Federal government needs an update on global trends regarding the responsible use of uranium by other countries. You are the expert on the use uranium in nuclear power. Prepare a research report to present to the government as well as a recommendation on who Canada should sell their uranium to.

Students worked on their researching skills and taking notes using a graphic organizer. Once students are finished they will begin working on their slides for their presentation next Wednesday.

Homework and Reminders:

1. Read daily
2. Math pg. 43-44 Questions 1-4 (most finished in class)
3. Novel study chapter 9
4. Golfing tomorrow - wear gym uniform 
5. UOI test tomorrow 

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