Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Wednesday October 9, 2019

Wonderful Wednesday! 

We began the day with math. Today we learned about how to use ratios when working with scale diagrams. 

Scale Diagrams 
Scale Diagrams (or drawings) are often used to represent a smaller or larger object, shape or image.
The scale used will depend on the reduction or enlargement of the object. 
We learned how to use ratios to make scale diagrams. The first step wihen working with a scale we need to ensure that all measurements are the same unit.

Here is a website to support today's learning:


Here is a slideshow to support today's learning:


3cm=1.5 m
=3cm=150 cm
Next, we need to ensure to simplify the ratio in order to be working with the smallest scale. So then
150 divided by 3 is 50
3 divided by 3 is 1 
3. If we are given the actual measurement of the object, then we will be using our ratio to scale down our diagram. 
Example: An actual boat is 88m
Since we are working with cm, we need to ensure to covert 88m to cm = 8800cm
Next, we would use our scale (1:50) to scale down the actual measurement of the boat so that we would be able to draw a scaled down diagram. 
So, we would divide 8800 by 50 = 176cm = 1.76 metre

4. If we were given the measurement of the diagram we would be scaling up. For example, if the measurement of the length of the boat in a drawing was 27cm we would need to multiply by 50 since 1cm=50cm

So 27x50=1350cm which would be 13.5 metres
So the actual length of the boat is 13.5m. 

We did examples as a class to ensure we understand how to scale up and scale down using ratios. 

Then we got into our literature circles for chapter 13. Where does the secret door lead to????
Next, we practiced for our UOI summative presentations. 
After first recess and lunch we had French.
Then we began our UOI presentations. 
Our success criteria for today:

I have achieved today’s success criteria that lead toward the learning goal because I …
ohave my cue cards ready
ohave rehearsed my oral presentation accompanied by a slideshow (Power Point, Prezi, etc.) aimed at the provincial government as the audience
oam comfortable using and explaining appropriate science and technology vocabulary relating to energy sources, transformations, and electricity
ohave equal speaking parts for my partner and I
oand my partner adhere to the 3 min. time limit
oI am ready to present tomorrow

Tomorrow we will continue with presentations.

At the end of the day we had physical education with Mr. Orr.


1. Read Daily
2. Math pg. 60-61 Questions 1-3
3. Sign UOI test
4. International day research and display due tomorrow (unless spoken to me)
5. Chapter 14 novel study 

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