Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Wednesday January 7 2015

Wonderful Wednesday!!

If the students have time tonight, I would like them to watch a video from earlier on in the unit, to be better prepared for the workshop we will be having tomorrow.

Actions Stars!!!

Teni and Dolapo were going over a bridge and they noticed that it had tresses. The girls remembered that tresses are used on bridges to keep it stable and therefore able to carry a heavy load.

Great job girls!!

We began the day having art with Mr. Monaghan and physical education with Ms. Lovan.

When students returned, we learned what happens to a number when we add 10. We began by using the number 13 with ten frames. We noticed that there are 10 counters inside the frame and 3 outside. We then added another ten frame and figured out that the sum would now be 23. Students explored why this was further using their own ten frames to work with and a one-digit number. Students recorded their number on a hundred’s chart and then added a ten frame. Students again recorded their answer on their hundred’s chart and added another ten frame. We began to realize patterns. On the hundred’s chart, when we added ten to our number, we found that in order to find the answer, we just needed to go down the column that our number was in. For example, if we began with the number 7 and added 10, the answer is 17, which is found under the 7 on the hundred’s chart. We also noticed that when we add 10 to a number, the number in the one’s column does not change and the number in the tens column increases by one. We then showed our understanding in our Math Makes Sense book.

Wahkeen continued working on money. He matched the coin to the name; he was given pennies, nickels and dimes and determined how many pennies are needed to equal the same amount. He then completed a review with pennies, dimes, and nickels.

During UOI, we built structures out of toothpicks and marshmallows!! We needed to build a structure that could hold a small book. The students ended up building cubes but quickly noticed that their structure was not completely stable and would lean to one side; we were missing something.

We realized in order to make the structure more stable to hold the load of the book we needed to add crossbeams (an X shape). After we did this, our structure was much more stable!!

After first recess and lunch, we had French.

When student’s returned, they wrote their homework in their agenda’s and continued working on their marshmallow structures.

After second recess and lunch, we discussed what we learned during our unit of inquiry and then completed our KWL chart. We wrote on our chart what we now know that we did not know before.

At the end of the day, we put something that we worked our hardest on, something that we did our best on, and something that we would like to improve on, in our IB binders.


1.     Look over summative task and rubric: materials are due Monday
2.     Look over International Day handout
3.     Scientist in the school for due January 15
4.     Read for 20 minutes

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