Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

Some Reminders:
Casual Day is tomorrow
We have a yummy Bake Sale tomorrow
Please sign the rubrics that went home today
Our Math test on Time Temperature and Money will be on Monday. Reviews will go home on Thursday.

We began the day having French with Mdm. Stella.

We then worked on our TV commercials in groups. We needed to finish the written portion today; some groups began practicing their action and making props.

Then students were off to art with Ms. Kerr.

After first recess and lunch, students had physical education with Ms. Lovan.

Then we had math. We needed to figure out two problems. One: You have 6 coins that equal 90 cents. What could the coins be?
Two: What 6 coins would you use to make 75 cents?

We had a fun time trying to figure out these problems!

After, we learned how to make a diagram (a drawing that explains something). We first looked at examples of different diagrams. We looked at parts of a fish, flower, tree, and a bird. We then discussed how labels are used when explaining each part of the diagram. After, we looked at pictures of different seasons, and we needed to figure out what the labels were describing. Then, we chose a topic for our own diagrams and wrote out the labels that we will use. After, we made our own diagrams, ensuring to include a title and labels. Also, we needed to make sure that it was neat and easy to read.

Following second recess and lunch, we wrote our homework in our agendas and then we continued on with our novel study. We first wrote about what we know about Henry Green and then we read chapter 10 as a class. We will finish the chapter tomorrow.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Sign 2 rubrics for summative project
3.     Math test next Monday
4.     Math pg. 69 and 70
5.     Bake Sale tomorrow

6.     Casual Day tomorrow

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