Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Monday, 14 December 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

Marvelous Monday!

We began the day practicing the Christmas concert with the whole school.

During our unit of inquiry, we performed an experiment to determine whether or not the height of a structure affects its stability. We first made predictions and after our experiment we wrote conclusions and determined if our conclusions were correct. We learned that the height of a structure could affect the stability of a structure, so we need to make sure to use strong materials and to have a strong foundation.

We also began learning about fasteners and how they have the important job to join two materials together. A fastener is something that is used to join two materials together. We discussed different kinds of fasteners and where we use them (Velcro, tape, glue). We use Velcro on our shoes, calendar, and pencil cases. Tape is used to post things on the wall or put together ripped paper. Glue is used during arts and crafts. We can use glue to paste on googly eyes, sparkles, or construction paper. We then related these ideas back to structures. Students pointed out the importance of using nails and screws when building structures; if structures did not have fasteners they would fall apart!

During math, we looked at a picture of a pet show and discussed which pet had the most entries (dogs) and which had the fewest entries (rabbits). We then needed to figure out how many more dogs (54) than rabbits (13) were at the pet show. We used ten sticks, ten frames, and put the numbers into a subtraction sentence to figure out the answer.

We first came up with a subtraction story and then employed our various strategies:
Students then demonstrated their understanding in their Math Makes Sense books.

After second recess and lunch, we wrote our homework in our agendas and then the conclusion for our experiment this morning.

We then finished working on our recipes from last week for a food that we love to make. When we were finished, we worked on fun holiday spelling and language activities.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.    Cursive pg. 53-54
3.    Math pg. 104-105
4.    Bring in a small picture of yourself
5.    Lunch forms due Dec. 16
6.    Scientist in the school due Dec. 16

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