Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Terrific Tuesday!

Some Reminders:
Casual day is tomorrow: Students are to come dressed in Festive pajamas (red or green). If students do no have festive pajamas, they can come dressed in any pajamas they like.

Christmas concert:
We will be having an afternoon performance tomorrow at 1:30
We will also have an evening performance. Students are to be in their class by 6:30 and the performance begins at 7.
We will be having a yummy bake sale before it begins, so bring your appetites :) 

We will be having a scientist come into our class in January to teach us more information about structures and do fun activities with us. Please return the form by Thursday with the 11 dollars included.

We began the day having French with Mdm. Stella.

We then continued working on subtraction word problems. We needed to solve various two-digit subtraction problems as well as come up with our own.

We then continued learning about fasteners. A fastener is something that is used to join two materials together. We discussed different kinds of fasteners and where we use them (Velcro, tape, glue). We use Velcro on our shoes, calendar, and pencil cases. Tape is used to post things on the wall or put together ripped paper. Glue is used during arts and crafts. We can use glue to paste on googly eyes, sparkles, or construction paper. We then related these ideas back to structures. Students pointed out the importance of using nails and screws when building structures; if structures did not have fasteners they would fall apart! We then completed a fastener activity.  

After first recess and lunch we had physical education with Ms. Lovan.

When students returned, we inquired into man made and natural made structures.
We determined that people make anything that is man made. Some man made objects can be made in factories by machines. We then discussed the various man made structures that we know: homes, stores, school, CN Tower, The Taj Mahal, etc. These items would not exist if people did not make them. We came to the conclusion that natural made objects would therefore exist even if people did not exist such as trees, grass, water etc.

We continued exploring natural made structures using a PowerPoint:

We came to learn that structures could also be found in nature.
Students then recorded the definitions of natural and man made definition in their Structures and Materials glossary:
 Natural made: Items that would still exist if people didn’t exist
Man made: things that would not exist if humans never did
Students then completed an activity where they needed to decide if an object was man made or natural made.

After second recess and lunch, students continued working on their man made or natural made activity. Afterwards, students continued working on their fun Spelling and Language activities.

1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.    Wear festive pajamas tomorrow
3.    Bring in a small picture of yourself
4.    Lunch forms due Dec 16
5.    Scientist in the class due Dec 16
6.    Bake sale tomorrow 

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