Specialist Blogs

Mme. Stella: https://stjudesfrench-stella.blogspot.com

Mr. Oliver: https://mrolivermusicclass.blogspot.com

Mr. Orr: https://tysonorr.blogspot.com

Friday, 3 October 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

 Fabulous Friday!

This morning we began the day with an exciting house game where students were chosen to carry balloons across the gym with their housemates.

Students were also given the inquirer award for the month. Two students, Saanvi and Teni, were chosen from our class!!

Afterwards, students had art with Mr. Monaghan and physical education with Ms. Lovan.

When students returned, we continued working on our summative assignment for our unit of inquiry. Today our focus was the clothing that we will wear in our country based on the location we have chosen on the map.

In math we learned about addition and subtraction stories. We looked at a picture of geese in the water and on the shore (There are 8 geese in the pond. 6 more geese are on the shore. There are 14 geese altogether; there are 14 geese in the pond. 6 geese flew away. Now there are 8 geese left in the water). We then created addition and subtraction sentences for our stories (8+6=14; 14-6=8). We moved on to discussing fact families and  learned that 8,6, and 14 are a fact family because we can use them in addition and subtraction sentences using the same numbers. Students completed 2 pages in their Math Makes Sense, learning more about addition, subtraction, and fact families. We used different strategies like using counting cubes, our fingers, and skip counting (by 2's and 5's).

Here is another fact family we did together:

Students took home a worksheet to complete about fact families, they can teach you what they are!

After first recess and lunch, students had French.

When students returned, they wrote their homework in their agendas and finished any uncompleted work.

During second recess, Klara was teaching some of the students Taekwondo!

After second recess we had our unit 4 spelling test.

When students were finished we continued to work on writing during Daily 5. We worked on stamina today! We were able to write for 10 whole minutes without any interruptions and focusing just on our writing.

At the end of the day, we had some free time because we worked so hard this week!


1.     Read for 20 minutes
2.     Spelling test signed
3.     Sign rubrics in green duo tang and please bring back on Monday
4.     Look over forms going home today

5.     Fact family worksheet

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